The newsletter is back! \o/
You probably forgot I had this, it’s been quite a while since the last edition.
But I’ll try to get back to it this year 🙂
The most asked question to the Remix team is now officially answered.
Mockoon - Create mock APIs in seconds
Recommended by a coworker, this GUI enables mocking of APIs with features like environments, RegEx matching and much more.
I’d still use MockServiceWorker though 😛
Gramma - Command-line grammar check
Nice CLI to quickly check if your message has typos without leaving the terminal.
Retry, Timeout and Cancel with fetch()
Although none of these are built-in, it’s easy to add retries, timeouts and cancellations to your fetch() calls without needing to use a full-featured third-party library.
Take advantage of promise-based APIs in Node.js
Some of the APIs have been around for a while, others became stable on v16.
Learn about the DOM Event system through exploration. It was created by the author of the Egghead course “Your Ultimate Guide to Understanding DOM Events”.
“Substituindo” o Carreira Sem Fronteiras, um dos meus podcasts favoritos, o Devs Sem Fronteiras traz os mesmos hosts, porém só entrevistando a galera de tech mesmo.