This week's content is focused on the front-end as it was my focus from last week. I hope you enjoy it as I read up for the next edition. 🤓
This 80-min live about Stitches was amazing. I know it's a bit long but it's worth watching it.
Kent C. Dodds wrote about different ways to turn an array into a list, using native and custom methods.
Here's another one by Kent C. Dodds. This one brings many different ways to type a function in TypeScript - which can get very tricky!
A deep and interesting look into different ways of scheduling a task in JavaScript. Have you used all of them? I certainly haven't.
These two articles are somewhat similar but their presentation and examples differ so it's worth reading both to understand better some weirdness of z-index.
Morgan Page has created a playlist on the basics of PixiJS. If you have never built a game with JavaScript before (like me), it's an awesome introduction.
This article isn't new but it's one of the most interesting I've read. Highly recommended even if you don't know Lil Nas X - but you probably do.
If you're looking for beautiful and simple icons, I really recommend Akar. I've been using in a side project and enjoying it a lot.
Also, we can suggest new icons through an issue! Arturo, the creator, is usually extremely fast in adding them.
Com o Twitch ganhando bastante fama, todo mundo se beneficia, inclusive os moradores do país dono do domínio .tv
Obrigado ao meu amigo Pedro por recomendar este artigo. Caso tenham sugestões, façam o mesmo e entrem em contato!