I'm sorry for the small delay, I prepared the newsletter but forgot to schedule it 😅
Toggle dark/light mode by clapping your hands
Machine Learning is much more accessible nowadays and this tutorial shows it by teaching us how to use a ML with TensorFlow.js in a Chrome extension... 🤯
Figma is an awesome tool. Dave and his friends used it to design a game and then coded a plugin for the game features using Web Technologies... 🤯
Practical intro to WebAssembly
I've seen some introductions to WebAssembly and Rust but nothing close to this video. It's really good as it brings a real use case, uses libraries and different approaches with some refactoring. If you're interested in learning a bit about this topic, make sure to watch it.
MapSCII - The Whole World In Your Console
Google Maps in your terminal. Okay, not really but zooming and panning is supported.
I like Design Patterns although I don't use them often (mostly working with JS on the front-end). This one is pretty nice and it's worth a read as we can probably use a similar strategy anywhere.
The lazy-loading property pattern in JavaScript
Speaking on patterns, here is another one, showing different ways to defer computationally-expensive operations.
Na próxima semana, de 17 a 21 de Maio, vai rolar mais um evento do Erick Wendel! Nesta edição, vamos construir um clone do Clubhouse. Imperdível!