The team behind the awesome Excalidraw released a product that extends the free tool. Have a look if you want to support the team or have more features, the pricing plan is quite good.
A curated list of JavaScript tooling not written in JavaScript
Not every tool in the JS ecosystem is written in the language itself. The listed tools in the link don't have a "big piece of the market" right now, but they will likely evolve and grow in usage in the next years, so keep an eye on them.
How to implement an exponential backoff retry strategy in Javascript
Have you ever implemented retries on HTTP requests? It doesn't seem like a common thing to do but it's definitely valuable for some cases. This tutorial teach us how to implement in two different simple ways, that we can adopt to our needs.
Build an HTTPS-intercepting JavaScript proxy in 30 seconds flat
A post about how simple it is to create a proxy server that intercepts requests.
Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to see the server in action locally by running Chrome from the terminal on Mac. Let me know if you know how to do that!
Building a 6kB Containerized HTTP Server!
Nailing a Docker challenge to build the World's Smallest Docker Container with a step-by-step guide, from the naive approach to the best solution.
Como ser um líder (independente do seu cargo)
Este post da equipe do Trello é muito bom! Liderança é uma característica muito importante e podemos ser líderes mesmo sem o cargo. Não deixem de ler.
Três Vetores para o Crescimento Exponencial!
O conteúdo produzido pelo pessoal da EximiaCo é sempre fantástico!
"Novidades tecnológicas surgem todos os dias e tem ficado cada vez mais difícil identificar o que é presente e o que é futuro."