Wanted: Small Ads for Hackcircus
WLTM small ads. GSOH. RSVP. EIEIO.
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Hello |FNAME|
Three quick things this week… one for you to make, one to give to a team, and one to think about. And less (maybe even no) typos* this time (thanks Rob for noticing!)…
** What would you put in a small ad?
Last week, I briefly mentioned a sekret projekt we were kicking around with Hackcircus around small ads, or classifieds if you prefer.
The long and the short of it is we’re going to try something; running a page ad in Hackcircus of your ads that you create on Artefact Cards. Maybe like the one above, or the two below from the funny chaps sitting next to me today…
It’ll be free for you, but we’ll pick the final set that work well together. If it works, we might do it more. If it doesn’t, well, there we go. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
There’s a longer post (http:// http://artefactshop.com/blogs/news/17215281-wanted-small-ads-for-hackcircus) about it here on the blog, but if you’ve got the idea then just send us your ads on Artefact Cards back as a picture this week to this email address.
** It’s big, yellow, and back for a bit
Someone asked recently about bringing the infamous Artefact for Office box back, for people who like to buy in bulk in case of UKIP getting in, for constructing absorbant card dykes in low-lying areas of Britain, or just for people who work in teams. And so it’s back, for a bit (until our big yellow boxes run out), and at a bargain £199.99 (inc VAT). You get 50 packs, 25 sharpies, 2 full sets of Manual Cards, and you can get it here (http://artefactshop.com/products/artefactoffice) .
** How Do You Use Yours..?
Thanks for the responses on how you use your Artefact Cards - Fraser’s going to be relaunching the ‘How To Use (http://artefactshop.com/pages/how-to-use) ‘ page over the next week of so, but in the meantime here are two more examples in for you, from Jason (http://artefactshop.com/blogs/news/17211461-listening-to-the-inaudible-seeing-the-unseeable) and from Sandra (http://www.opento.com/blog/new_product_hexagon) .
Right then, happy Monday, everyone, keep on fighting the good fight.
Cheers John
*Maybe there should be a typo prize for spotting any mistakes in emails we send…
Artefact for Desk (http://artefactshop.com/collections/this-weeks-favourites/products/artefact-for-desk-n) Artefact for Pocket (http://artefactshop.com/collections/this-weeks-favourites/products/artefact-pocket-n) Artefact Field Kit (http://artefactshop.com/collections/this-weeks-favourites/products/artefact-field-wallet)
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