Posts from smithery for 03/18/2013
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Audio Hunches – Weeks Four to Seven Mar 17, 2013 10:15 am | john v willshire
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“The Audio Hunch” with @andrewsleigh Mar 15, 2013 11:25 am | john v willshire
listen to ‘Artefact Cards & Audio Futures with @andrewsleigh’ on Audioboo (
The above conversation took place in Brighton on Friday. It starts around Artefact Cards, as Andrew did the magnificent photography for the new Artefact website ( as has been using the cards since for projects, but then we started talking about the audio stuff like this.
I think Andrew ( gets it spot on when he calles this format the “Audio Hunch”……which instantly reminds me of Russell’s “reckons” post ( from last year.
It’s certainly not a final, thought-through piece like a written blog post or a slideshare, but instead an initial verbal wander into a delicate new thought or observation.
The Audioboo ( API seems slightly borked – I spent ages trying to test whether how the “automatically post to WordPress” thing worked, and now it won’t unlink… which means everything I put on there appears like this.
However, by thinking of them as “Audio Hunches”, and adding things after the fact to the topic, it becomes an opening proposition, and a place to note things.
Of the three 2013 side projects ( , it’s certainly the one I’m getting on with the best.
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SXSW – from pioneers looking for the practical, to pragmatists listening to the incredible
Mar 13, 2013 04:46 pm | john v willshire
listen to ‘#SXSW – from pioneers looking for the practical, to pragmatists listening to the incredible’ on Audioboo (
I think that adding things to these audio posts after they go up might be valuable – but you know, let’s see. I had a brief twitter conversation with Tom Darlington ( after posting this, after which I asked him what he thought of the general form… He sent me this email over in reply, which he’s graciously agreed to let me reproduce here.
I’ve been thinking quite a lot about the audioboo stuff you’ve been doing recently – as I mentioned briefly in our conversation last night, it’s definitely interesting, but there is something I find quite unsettling about it at the same time. I scribbled a few notes down on my way into the office this morning as to why I think it’s an interesting, yet challenging, format. They’re below, in a sort of unordered list –
- So many interactions between people on the web are text based…despite being rich, interactive and fully formed, the relationship is quite often based on something quite limited – text. With this, you can hear what people actually sound like – therefore it’s quite personal – my immediate feeling was one of being a voyeur, which made me uncomfortable
- To use Faris’ term – they help with a kind of transmedia story telling – Diagetic/Dialogic discussion in your first one later appeared in your presentation to Squared – can see how ideas start and become fully formed.
- The contradiction inherent in them however is that despite this kind of ‘working things out’ tone of voice that they have (which is definitely helped by the sounds of stuff in the background, rather than a clinical and silent studio) – they somehow feel more final than a blog post or tweet – and don’t compel me to comment, they are like tablets of stone (sound), like a time capsule
- As a result I feel like they dovetail neatly with artefact cards – an idea that you’re happy enough with to commit to a valuable, rather than transient or disposable, type of media. Was reminded again of the David Shields quote from Fakes – “every artefact rises out of a series of decisions on the part of its maker. To choose one thing and not another in building an object is to hold fast to one idea of how it should be made (and how it should exist) while discarding others.”
- Slightly tangentially they remind me of Dale Cooper a little in Twin Peaks - .
I’m now planning to further this as an audio conversation with Tom next week… just a general chat around the themes, and to be honest to get nostalgic about Twin Peaks…
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