Out In The Field This Summer
The streets are alive, with the sound of sharpies
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http://artefactshop.com/products/artefact-field-wallet Hello |FNAME|
We’ve just taken delivery of the second batch of the beautiful leather wallets from Lichfield Leather, so we’re back in the business of shipping out what’s become one of our most popular sellers, the Artefact Field Kit (http://artefactshop.com/products/artefact-field-wallet) .
Just in time for the summer holidays too - wherever you happen to be going, there’s no excuse to miss out on the ideas that ping into your head.
Even more excitingly, we’re now ready to start offering Custom Artefact Field Kits. So instead of the yellow and black Artefact logo you see on our standard ones, you can have, well, whatever you like.
If you’re interested, email us back (mailto:hello@artefactshop.com) for more information. Lead times are around eight weeks from receipt of artwork, and minimum order is for fifty Field Kits.
Right then, we’re off to pack for Barcelona next week, where we’re running around the streets with the IED students on the Innovation and Future Thinking (http://iedbarcelona.es/en/cursos-info/summer-course-in-innovation-and-future-thinking/) course, each of us armed with a Field Kit and a big stack of Artefact Cards.
Kind regards Team Artefact
Artefact for Desk (http://artefactshop.com/products/artefact-for-desk-n) Artefact for Pocket (http://artefactshop.com/collections/this-weeks-favourites/products/artefact-pocket-n) Stattys (http://artefactshop.com/products/stattys-10-x-a1-sheets)
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