Introducing Artefacts from Smithery
View this email in your browser (|ARCHIVE|) By way of introduction…
Hello |FNAME|
We’re busily putting together the new Artefacts from Smithery newsletter format, and might even get an end-of-year round-up out before Christmas, if you are all good children and tidy your rooms.
In the meantime though, we had a few quick announcements, and thought we’d take the opportunity to take the new design for a spin.
All thoughts on it more than welcome, of course.
Onwards then… three pieces of news.
John V Willshire
Manual Cards - Gift Box | Artefact Cards
This one is a special one. It’s been in the works for years, since the very beginning of Artefact Cards, you might argue. This deck is our Manual. We’ve turned all of our experience of working with cards into a deck of 54 creative instructions. There’s not a beginning and an end, no novice or an expert section, no set
Introducing Manual Cards
We’ve been working on these for years, perhaps even from the first time I started using cards to play with ideas in a workshop… and finally, just in time for Christmas, we’re delighted to share with you our Manual Cards.
They do exactly what they say; this deck is our manual - 54 creative instructions which can be randomised to inspire your creative work, for use with other card decks, or even to help you think about designing your own deck.
This gift pack also comes bundled with a standard pack of Artefact Cards, a Staedtler Lumocolor marker, and brought together in a fantastic gift box.
Available here ( , and shipping for Christmas.
Manual Cards - Gift Box | Artefact Cards
This one is a special one. It’s been in the works for years, since the very beginning of Artefact Cards, you might argue. This deck is our Manual. We’ve turned all of our experience of working with cards into a deck of 54 creative instructions. There’s not a beginning and an end, no novice or an expert section, no set Zenko Mapping - A Video Introduction
I was invited recently to talk about Zenko Mapping at the annual Marketing Society conference. Instead of just doing a standard ‘talking head at a desk’ thing, I thought I’d try something… well, different.
Have a watch over here ( , and you’ll see what I mean.
The feedback already has been terrific (thanks, all), and has opened up a lot of new conversations about using this approach with clients.
If you think it’s something you’d be interested in, then do get in touch ( . Our local shipping predicament
This is a fairly important one if you’re not based in the UK and want to get your hands on Artefact Cards after 1st January 2021.
The uncertainty around Brexit means we still don’t know how selling Artefact Cards via a UK website and shipping them to Europe will work, with less than a month to go. We sat in a DIT webinar the other day, and the situation looks fairly bleak.
The impact for us will likely be that we’ll have to redesign the systems and shipping partners we use around the world, not just for the UK.
We don’t have the time and capacity to do that at the moment, and we only want to do it once, for all overseas purchases.
So from 27th December we’ll only be selling Artefact Cards to customers in the UK for the foreseeable future.
If you are based outside the UK, and want some cards for the first half of 2021, please do buy them in plenty of time for us to ship this month.
We are also interested in talking to local wholesalers overseas, as that looks like a more viable route to making them available more quickly. Hopefully these issues can be resolved sooner rather than later.
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