Artefact #60
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** Artefact #60
Analogue phones and digital sketches…life is changing - go play!
Quick Read Life is a game. This is your strategy. (
Real life is the game that – literally – everyone is playing. But it can be tough. So here is your pixel perfect guide. (
The Distraction-Free Android. Why my brand-new Google Pixel is better… | by John Zeratsky | Make Time | Medium
Why my brand-new Google Pixel is better without Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… or even Google
Method A different type of phone update. (
This article is an update on one we previously shared ( on on the newsletter, many moons ago.
How John Zeratsky ( has decluttered his smart phone for productivity.
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Desk Box (
Our best seller. Grab one of these to get 2 packs of each colour (8 in total), 4 Sharpies, 2 vinyl stickers and all six of our Manual Cards.
Tool 3D Drawings for real. (
Now this may be quite hard to imagine until you hit the link, but imagine you could draw in 3D, like actually 3D so you could essentially walk around any of your digital drawings. Introducing Mental Canvas. (
Leaving the company you started; lessons from 10 years at 383. | by John Newbold | Medium
This week I’m leaving 383, the company that I co-founded 10 years ago. In that time we’ve grown from a self-funded team of two, to become…
Practitioners Leaving the company you started. (
In the last 10 years’ John ( has grown 383 ( from a self-funded team of two, to become one of the most successful Digital Product Studios in the country which he has now exited. Read the collated wisdom about his last 10 years here ( .
Long Read (33 mins) For more identity not less (
Dan Hill writes about strategic design, service design and the infrastructure of everyday life, in the face of Brexit Trump and deliberately diminished identity. And explains why he might be turning ( E-stonian. ( Low on time? Shorter ( version here. (
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Metaglitch ( are a run of the yellow Artefact Plus cards that just don’t meet our exacting colour standards for the standard Artefact Plus, just £7.50 ( .
Spotted in the Wild Via Catena Space ( on Twitter
Designing the start of an exciting new API with Artefact Cards!
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