Artefact #43
** Artefact #43
Poetically dreaming up a Ted talk… Hello |FNAME|
Poet Harry Baker ( has been off using our cards to plan his TedxVienna ( talk. We can’t make exact sense of it all from this photo alone, but it all looks like a rather interesting talk to us. We are really looking forwards to seeing the video once it goes up.
Does anyone else have and plan their talks on cards before moving things over to a computer. We would love to see your photos if so!
Over and out (for this week), Fraser
As ever you can follow us on Twitter ( or Instagram. ( Spotted In The Wild… Carwyn ( introducing the folks at Club Soda ( to the colourful world of Artefact Cards. The Off Grid Team ( using Artefact Cards to plan the event for next year!
Favourite Links This Week… Tool of the Week: James Bridle ( has made a little script ( which will place a short, friendly message on any website, encouraging those who stumble upon it to explore further. The message welcomes new users, and supplies them with links to educate them more about where they are on the web. Practitioners of the Week: Really nice interview with one of the co-founders of UsTwo. ( Jules Ehrhardt ( talks of how they changed the agency model to ensure they were generating multiple profit streams. Fascinating insight for anyone who works in any form of agency. Method of the Week: This really insightful article from Darius Foroux ( on how he believes The Purpose Of Life Is Not Happiness: It’s Usefulness. ( It’s lovely, and well written and discusses why we all might be in the wrong, chasing happiness as our final goal. This Week’s Wildcard: ‘Strategic benevolent betrayal’ is the theme of this new card game, from the creators of Exploding Kittens. Bears vs Babies ( has already raised an extraordinary 15381% of its target funds on Kickstarter so is looking to be a good’un.
From the shop: Pocket Pack £12.00 Buy Now ( Desk Box £38.00 Buy Now ( Static Sheets £25.00 Buy Now (
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