Artefact 235
Where The Light Gets In
A short, snappy announcement newsletter today, to welcome our new Regenerative Design Field Kit into the world...
If you have been following Smithery's work for a while, you might be familiar with the viewer already.
In this field kit, the viewer is accompanied by a set of 40 question cards, created by pairing the four roles from the Design Council's Systemic Design Framework with the capabilities outlined in The RSA's 10Cs framework.
There is also a living web page where I will be capturing the ongoing uses of the field kit by ourselves and others (let me know if you want to contribute).
For now it will tell you all about the backstory of the field kit.
Meanwhile though, you will find it here in the shop, and as always newsletter subscribers get to find out first...
PS Back soon with the previously trailed newsletter on 'A Fistful of Frameworks'...