Artefact #116 - THE HEXAGON
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** Artefact #116
The force that makes the winter grow its feathered hexagons of snow, and drives the bee to match at home their calculated honeycomb, is abacus and rose combined… Jacob Bronowski Fresh off the machine, the first batch of Artefact Hex.
Hello |FNAME|
Exciting times at Artefact towers, as the first batch of the limited edition HEX cards made their way into our hands last week. They were made possible following the last newsletter, when another one of our wonderful Artefact community saw the Nusbacher cards we’d made and requested a custom run of their own, which meant we could make an Artefact set for general sale too.
We’re just sorting out the finishing touches to this limited edition run, and it should be good to go this week.
As a subscriber, you’ll be the first to know.
And if you’re really keen, then you have the option to update your subscription preferences (|UPDATE_PROFILE|) for this newsletter, and check the box saying what you’re interested in the Hex Cards specifically. This didn’t work properly for someone last week, but should be fine now - let us know if not.
Meanwhile, we’ve collected some inspiration for you below about the mighty hexagon, and how you might apply it in your work.
In other news, the online Cardstock ( meet-ups continue every month, and this Friday at 1pm UK time, we’re delighted to have Charlotte Overton-Hart joining us to talk about her work. More details below (including, as chance would have it, a link to another hexagon thing…)
We’ll continue to invite guests for some of these, and also to have just general meet-ups too - if you use or design any kind of cards and related exercises in your work, please do feel free to drop in.
Finally, as someone asked this week, yes, all the shipping is back to normal - additionally, we can distribute smaller packs to various locations for distributed working, so drop us a line if you need something specific.
John & Helen
** THE FLOP July’s CARDSTOCK online meet-up
At this month’s Cardstock Meet-up ( , we’re delighted to be joined by Charlotte Overton-Hart, who works in the areas of identity, ageing, and dementia, inspired by the friendship she had with her Gran.
Amongst the work we’ll be asking Charlotte about is Storycomb (as per the image above), created to support people living with dementia allowing them to tell their life story in a non-chronological order.
Friday 31st July on Zoom, 1pm, sign up here for details. ( On Hexagonal Thinking…
I have fallen somewhat down a hexagon-shaped rabbit-hole as it were, and started finding an underground scene of hexagonal thinking (like here ( , where the above image comes from).
There’s definitely a route back to The ( Company ( by Arie de Geus, a paper here by Anthony M. Hodgman ( on Hexagons for Systems Thinking, and a great 10 Reasons To Try Hexagonal Thinking ( by Tracy Clark. But the pithiest definition I like is this from Ewan McIntosh here ( :
“Hexagonal thinking involves writing down key components of knowledge, observation and understanding on hexagons, not in lists, and then placing them in patterns that show the connections between ideas, and the connections between clusters of those ideas and other clusters. It is complexity made simple.”
All other sources and pointers welcome too, of course. Saturn’s Hexagon
A giant hexagonal storm rages over Saturn’s North Pole ( . Which is weird enough in its own right, but then they discovered it might tower upwards above the clouds ( too.
No, I don’t know what you’re going to do with this information either, but it just feels like one of those things that you have to share when you find it out…
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From The Library The Unimaginable Mathematics of Borges’ Library of Babel - William Goldbloom Bloch (
Yes, usually I choose a book from the library here, but in this case, it’s a book about a library - in this case, Borges’ Library of Babel, consisting of an enormous expanse of adjacent hexagonal rooms where all texts in that universe exist. Bloch explores the maths concepts Borges might have been using in writing the short story.
I don’t own it yet, but I’m tempted…
** A random card from our reference library of decks…
From The Design Deck ( … though the relationship between triangles and hexagons is one for another day, I think…
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