Opening Salvo
Hey, so everyone and his dog has an email newsletter these days. I'm subscribed to quite a few myself (I'll run through which ones in a future entry, I think). After some encouragement from Ryan K Lindsay, I've decided to start my own.
My Tumblr mostly consists of me posting links to new projects, projects of my peers and a link roundup of things I've read recently that I recommend.
But there's so much noise, so much distraction, and click bait chum floating along on the surface that it's hard to get eyeballs on anything nowadays. So this is where this newsletter comes in.
Because if you've clicked the 'Subscribe' link then chances are you want to know what I have to say or think. If you're here by accident because you were looking for Joe Hill, then sorry I can't help you. I can, however, recommend his newsletter.
As a back-handed way of getting more subscribers, I'm only going to post my regular link roundups via this newsletter. I know, I'm a monster.
So, without further ado:
1) First on the agenda is the fact that Alterna Comics announced a release date of 24th November for 'Go Home' this week. The project is a 22 page, digital one-shot and follows a young sailor, Husk, during WW2 as he washes up on a secluded Pacific island after his ship is torpedoed. Once there, he begins to realize that war follows man and man is everywhere.
The project has been a long time in gestation, but I'm super excited to have Alterna aboard and giving the project the home and attention it deserves.
Once again, that drops on 24th November via ComiXology. You'll be hearing more about this as the date nears, I imagine. If you click through on the image above it'll take you through to a short blog post I did on the project and its influences.
2) I made a conscious decision this year to shift some of my focus to getting involved in projects as an editor. As such, the last few months I've edited at least 3-4 projects for various creators that are in the initial pitching and submission process.
I also have a project that I'm involved with as an editor that'll drop next year that has an absolutely fantastic publisher aboard. More details on that when I can actually say something about it.
There's also a potentially huge/involving project that'll take me through to June at the least. This one brings in elements of project management too which I'm eager to level up in. It's also introduced me to the world of Slack.
3) I recently had my first video game related piece published by Kill Screen. This was a huge thrill as they're one of my favorite sites to read for long form game articles. The article can be found here and deals with architecture, modern war and the failure of video games to accurately depict conflict.
4) The threads for Curriculum continue to come together. Ryan has spoken about this project here and there, and the first five issues should be out soon (ish). This is a project that has literally been years in the making. I've loved, hated and loved this project in equal measure, but now it's on the home stretch I'm excited about it again. This project is a true labour of love and taught me lots about the #makecomics process. I can't wait to see it unleashed on the world.
Now to some links:
A Quick Guide To The Hilarious Language Of The Alt-Right
Next time you're being insulted or trolled by someone with an egg or anime avatar on Twitter, consult this handy guide!
Scare Tactics
The Ringer on movie outfit, Blumhouse (The Gift, The Purge, etc.)
Die Hard humanized (and perfected) the action movie
I've been enjoying AV Club's history of the action movie. This latest piece covers, yep, Die Hard.
Films of the Forever War
Another great piece from The Ringer, this time covering the dearth of good movies about the second Iraq war.
The Ars Technica science fiction bucket list—42 movies every geek must see
Currently reading
- The Sheriff of Babylon Vol 1. by Tom King and Mitch Gerads
I've been reading this in singles digitally, but I needed this one in trade too.
- The Treatment by Mo Hayder
Book 2 of the Jack Caffery series. I've never read any of the others but was told this one was particularly chilling. It's living up to that rep so far.
That's it from me this week. I'll try and get one of these out every Sunday.
Until then...
My Tumblr mostly consists of me posting links to new projects, projects of my peers and a link roundup of things I've read recently that I recommend.
But there's so much noise, so much distraction, and click bait chum floating along on the surface that it's hard to get eyeballs on anything nowadays. So this is where this newsletter comes in.
Because if you've clicked the 'Subscribe' link then chances are you want to know what I have to say or think. If you're here by accident because you were looking for Joe Hill, then sorry I can't help you. I can, however, recommend his newsletter.
As a back-handed way of getting more subscribers, I'm only going to post my regular link roundups via this newsletter. I know, I'm a monster.
So, without further ado:
1) First on the agenda is the fact that Alterna Comics announced a release date of 24th November for 'Go Home' this week. The project is a 22 page, digital one-shot and follows a young sailor, Husk, during WW2 as he washes up on a secluded Pacific island after his ship is torpedoed. Once there, he begins to realize that war follows man and man is everywhere.
The project has been a long time in gestation, but I'm super excited to have Alterna aboard and giving the project the home and attention it deserves.
Once again, that drops on 24th November via ComiXology. You'll be hearing more about this as the date nears, I imagine. If you click through on the image above it'll take you through to a short blog post I did on the project and its influences.
2) I made a conscious decision this year to shift some of my focus to getting involved in projects as an editor. As such, the last few months I've edited at least 3-4 projects for various creators that are in the initial pitching and submission process.
I also have a project that I'm involved with as an editor that'll drop next year that has an absolutely fantastic publisher aboard. More details on that when I can actually say something about it.
There's also a potentially huge/involving project that'll take me through to June at the least. This one brings in elements of project management too which I'm eager to level up in. It's also introduced me to the world of Slack.
3) I recently had my first video game related piece published by Kill Screen. This was a huge thrill as they're one of my favorite sites to read for long form game articles. The article can be found here and deals with architecture, modern war and the failure of video games to accurately depict conflict.
4) The threads for Curriculum continue to come together. Ryan has spoken about this project here and there, and the first five issues should be out soon (ish). This is a project that has literally been years in the making. I've loved, hated and loved this project in equal measure, but now it's on the home stretch I'm excited about it again. This project is a true labour of love and taught me lots about the #makecomics process. I can't wait to see it unleashed on the world.
Now to some links:
A Quick Guide To The Hilarious Language Of The Alt-Right
Next time you're being insulted or trolled by someone with an egg or anime avatar on Twitter, consult this handy guide!
Scare Tactics
The Ringer on movie outfit, Blumhouse (The Gift, The Purge, etc.)
Die Hard humanized (and perfected) the action movie
I've been enjoying AV Club's history of the action movie. This latest piece covers, yep, Die Hard.
Films of the Forever War
Another great piece from The Ringer, this time covering the dearth of good movies about the second Iraq war.
The Ars Technica science fiction bucket list—42 movies every geek must see
Currently reading
- The Sheriff of Babylon Vol 1. by Tom King and Mitch Gerads
I've been reading this in singles digitally, but I needed this one in trade too.
- The Treatment by Mo Hayder
Book 2 of the Jack Caffery series. I've never read any of the others but was told this one was particularly chilling. It's living up to that rep so far.
That's it from me this week. I'll try and get one of these out every Sunday.
Until then...
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