A bit of a short one this week as I'm really up against it work-wise.
As mentioned last week, Go Home, a digital one-shot from myself and Andrew Herbst will be out via Alterna Comics on 24th November (this coming Thursday).
Here is a short preview.
Luck permitting I'll have some reviews dropping for it shortly and maybe an interview or two.
Fingers crossed!
Here's some stuff I've been reading this week:
The Real Spectre
The least known, but the most successful of the three Italian mafia organizations.
How We Broke Democracy
How tech changed the election.
This is what happens when you stop paying for quality journalism
And how to stem the tide...
Stories of Ted Chiang's Life and Others
Great interview!
The Necessity of Political Vulgarity
No True North
A piece on BMD on *Gone Baby Gone*. There really needs to be more Kenzie and Gennaro movies.
Speaking of being up against it, here's a list of stuff I've been doing recently. I'll be giving them codenames for the most part as is the newsletter traditions set out by Ellis, Lindsay, etc.
Project Gibson
This is a project I'm an editor on, but it also involves a lot of project management on my part, which is something I haven't had to do in the past. I'm enjoying it, though. This project plays in the sci-fi genre and will play in a number of different mediums, not just comics if all goes to plan. Think transmedia. Needles to say this thing has a *lot* of moving pieces.
Project 47
This is a creator-owned project that I'm part of as editor. It's a trippy-action packed beast and has an incredibly cool publisher lined up that I'll be shouting about from the rooftops once I can do so.
Project Fictional Hamlet
Another creator-owned project I'm the editor on that's currently at the pitching phase. It's had a number of submissions which haven't come off but it's found new interest again recently. This one is firmly in the weird/mystery category.
Project Curveball
A creator-owned, YA focused, sports comic. I love the ideas and characters in this one. Again, it currently has the interest of a fantastic publisher. Fingers firmly crossed for this one!
Project Hydra
This is all me. A series of shorts (5-12 pages each) I want to put out with a few to collecting them at a later date. This is basically a riff (read copy) of the 'Bloody F***king Revenge' model. But, hey, if you're going to riff, then riff from the best.
Project One Page One Shot
This is something I do every week to keep the writing muscles warm. I found out about a Russian artist, Sergei Kolesov, whose work I really liked. Every week since I've been putting up a one-page piece of script based off an image of his. I'm up to Week 33 so far (skipped once due to moving house). Some are shit, some are okay, some are better than okay. The trick is to keep moving. Anyway, they can all be found
here (I really need to think of a better use for that URL and site soon).
Project 2nd Career Path
A distance learning course to get me a journalism qualification. Because, clearly, I have an abundance of free time.
Listing it all out there is slightly overwhelming, so I should probably get to it.
Until then...