A Pleasurable Headache
A Pleasurable Headache - 31st May 2020
May 31, 2020
Updates The non-fiction piece mentioned in previous updates is now a lock. After some excellent notes and suggestions it’s good to go. I shall reveal more...
A Pleasurable Headace - 17th May 2020
May 17, 2020
Nowt but the links this week. Links Cory Doctorow on 'Rules For Writing' Link Doctorow discusses some rules for writers, mostly via the prism of the Turkey...
A Pleasurable Headache - 3rd May 2020
May 3, 2020
Updates Not too much to get into up top. The deadline for Project Kaiju passed a few days ago, so I'm now truly in the waiting game period of fiction...
A Pleasurable Headache - 19th April 2020
April 19, 2020
Pandemic Notes Writing and putting these out is hard at the moment. My reading has slowed down a bit in the past few weeks in terms of longform articles. I’m...
A Pleasurable Headache - 5th April 2020
April 5, 2020
A smattering of links I have read whilst staring wistfully out of the window. 1) John Scalzi with advice for the creative during what he’s calling ‘the great...
APH: Look After Yourself Edition
March 22, 2020
Needless to say, the past two weeks have been bizarre, panic-inducing and without precedent. Covid-19 of course is pretty much all of the zeitgeist right...
Ask yourself, what would a rat do?
March 8, 2020
Updates A short one up top this week as I am (yet again) up against it deadline-wise. I’ve got a non-fic piece to get started and finish up in the next few...
Wading Into Trouble
February 23, 2020
Here We Go Again The last week has been a strange one with a large part of the county I live in being underwater (I’m thankfully unaffected). Imgur: The...
Oh the horror!
February 9, 2020
Up Top Currently it's 'Women In Horror Month' so I'm going to delve into some of my favourite horror fiction that I've read recently. Rust Maidens by...
The Centre Cannot Hold
January 26, 2020
And we are back (but barely). The last week or so my output and writing has taken a hit due to minor whiplash in my left shoulder and neck. But, this week,...
December 29, 2019
Just a quick update that the newsletter will be back in January. Fear not.
No, you're crying.
December 15, 2019
Updates As mentioned in the last edition, Disconnect by myself and Gav Heryng was recently released via ComiXology Submit and Mallet Productions. The comic,...
December 1, 2019
After a long, and incredibly tumultuous, journey, Disconnect by myself and Gav Heryng will be released via ComiXology Submit and Mallet Productions on...
Like, isn't it just the way that nature works?
November 16, 2019
Updates Go Home will be re-released via ComiXology Submit next week on Wednesday November 20th. As many know the previous publisher had some questionable...
The white void between projects
November 3, 2019
Updates Project Tokyo, now known as 'Exposure Therapy', has finally been submitted as discussed in the last issue. I won't hear back until around April...
What's your favourite scary movie?
October 19, 2019
Skyscraper was fully funded and then some. A huge thanks to everyone who pledged to the project. It’s always satisfying to see projects that play with the...
Extremely Online
October 6, 2019
First up, Skyscraper, a newspaper sized mystery comic is currently live on Kickstarter. Written by Ryan K Lindsay, with art by Mitchell Collins, colours by...
Doom, gloom and DB Cooper.
September 22, 2019
Link heavy again this week folks! Quite a few creators are moving their newsletters over to Substack it seems. I've toyed with the idea but I'm happy with...
Book 'em Danno! (I'm sorry)
September 8, 2019
Short one this week. Computer swallowed a previous draft and I'm deep in the mines of a second draft on Project Tokyo. Vomit draft is done and now I need to...
Apocalypse Now
August 25, 2019
Updates Metropo Metropo is now available in two new flavours. The prose stories from the collection are available for the Kindle and the comic shorts are now...
August 11, 2019
Well, after a technical SNAFU this end wiped what I’d written for this week I’m afraid it’s a link heavy edition (in emergency break glass, propagate links)....
Liberation Tech
July 28, 2019
For those following along at home you’ll know that the winners of the Eisner awards were announced last weekend at SDCC. I’ve been taking a look at the...
Limitless paper in a paperless world
July 14, 2019
Updates Mitch Hammer XXL Issues 1-3 was successfully funded on Kickstarter! A huge thanks to everyone who pledged and made it happen. I picked up another...
Colour, tone, getting naked, the usual.
June 30, 2019
I’ve been going through the ‘Best Short Story’ nominees for the 2019 Eisner Awards. This time around I’ve been reading Get Naked in Barcelona by Steven T....
Ever think about going to Managua?
June 16, 2019
It's a bit of a link-heavy edition this week. Normal analysis of the rest of those short story Eisner noms shall continue next issue. Deadlines y'all. Links...
Death in the gutters
June 1, 2019
A day early this week. My Sunday morning ritual is being cast aside this week, so here we are. This week was mostly spent getting the credits and various...
Kill All Monsters(?)
May 19, 2019
News Some quick hits this week. The prose stories by Magnus Asplii that featured in Metropo, a cyberpunk ‘slice of life’ anthology I edited, is now available...
Info Overload & Battered Notebooks
May 5, 2019
Let’s jump right into it this week. === So, the nominations for the 2019 Eisner Awards are now out there. In the short comic category, Life During...
Houston, we have a problem.
April 21, 2019
Another quick entry this week as the Easter weekend collides with my well placed plans and intentions and leaves it gasping for air in its blazing, sunshine...
More links than Golf
April 7, 2019
A short one this week. In the midst of sending another story out and battling with a back garden that is slowly losing a war against weeds. Some weeks there...
White Terror
March 24, 2019
Updates Ryan K Lindsay now has copies of The Jam Sessions available at his online store. "THE JAM SESSIONS are a series of chats between Dan Hill and Ryan K...
Putin did 9/11, military decay, curriculum closure.
March 10, 2019
A different order of operations this week. Brainfood First up is this fantastic list from Vulture on the best neo-noir movies. There are some stone cold...
Engagement Part Deux, Movie roundup, climate signs
February 24, 2019
Updates First things first, this happened: Dan Hill on Instagram: “Got engaged at a place called 'The Fortess of the Crows'. Grimdark aesthetic on point.” 26...
Pratchett's companion, nine panels and the Brexit hellscape.
February 10, 2019
Updates That I finally got off my ass and joined the union in my day job will tell you all you need to know about the kind of week it's been. Needless to say...
Opening Statements, Dropgangs, Numbering Panels
January 27, 2019
Updates Curriculum Issue 4 is almost complete: Head over to take a look. On Wednesday next week, Issue 5 will drop which is my first issue on writing duties...
2019: Engagement
January 13, 2019
Updates We're about halfway through Issue #4 of Curriculum and wackiness is ensuing once again for the crew. On top of that you may recall this from last...
2018: Season Finale
December 30, 2018
A short one this week as the New Year bears down upon us all. A practice I usually utilise, but didn't this year, is that of picking a theme or keyword for...
Movies, Mayhem and Tech-Dystopia (but with a fuzzy message at the end)
December 16, 2018
Updates We're nearing the end of Issue #3 of Curriculum. Page 13 is currently up with an emotionally laced ending still to come. Stay tuned! This week has...
Prose, more prose, gloom and doom.
December 2, 2018
Updates Not much to write home about this week as the year winds down and everyone retreats into their respective bunkers to tool up for the onslaught of the...
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear
November 18, 2018
News It's a bit of a mini-edition this week as there's a bunch of short prose pieces I want to try and finish before the year is out. Head down and all that....
Mansions of Madness, small gains and tricking the brain
November 4, 2018
News First up, Curriculum's Issue 2 continues apace. We're currently up to Page 11 and things are heating up (metaphorically and literally as you can see). I...
Issue #45: Collective voids, Brexit shitscape and a positive message for the kids
October 21, 2018
Updates Curriculum Issue #2 is up and running which means a change in creative team. This time around we have Danny Djeljosevic on script, Gwenaelle Johnson...
"Hello, please remove me from your spam folder"
October 7, 2018
Yep, I'm back on Buttondown after Substack disappeared my archives. I really hope this is the end of the 'hopping from provider to provider' era of this...
"I'm sorry Sir, but your house not exist."
August 26, 2018
For some reason Buttondown is choosing not to display my newsletter archives at the moment, so I may be looking in to changing provider again in the near...
This is not a drill
August 12, 2018
Updates Curriculum (this is not a drill!) You may (or may not) have seen this recently: Ryan K Lindsay📓☕️ @ryanklindsay Announcement Klaxon - CURRICULUM is...
Phase 2
July 29, 2018
Updates & Other News It's incredibly awesome to discover that U.S backers are now receiving their copies of Metropo. Magnus will be issuing a full update on...
Continuity of Myth
July 15, 2018
No updates this week so we're right into it. === One of my favourite video game podcasts is the Waypoint Podcast. Host Austin Walker is one of the most...
Boaty McBoatface
July 1, 2018
News Not too much this week. The last week has been especially busy with editing taking up every spare moment for the most part as well as the beginnings of...
Halfway Point - Part 2
June 17, 2018
Updates Not too many this week. Thank you to all those who pledged to the Mitch Hammer Kickstarter. The project was fully funded! Metropo has begun to creep...
Halfway Point
June 3, 2018
Updates (not too many this week) Mimic Apparatus the second prose short edited by myself and written by Ganzeer is up. Go read! I'm really enjoying editing...
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