A Pleasurable Headache
[a pleasurable headache] distant and invisible humans
April 14, 2024
A short one this week. Suicide Mission https://prospect.org/infrastructure/transportation/2024-03-28-suicide-mission-boeing/ A deep dive on the absolute shit...
[a pleasurable headache] the desire to get a tattoo without a strong preference of what it is
March 31, 2024
A short one this week as the clocks changing and Easter weekend kind of threw me for a loop. === Links Kaiju Look https://thebaffler.com/latest/kaiju-look-...
[a pleasurable headache] learn how to be a human being by watching normal people
March 17, 2024
An incredibly short edition this week. I am toying with sending this out monthly, or when I actually have a large amount of links to send out as I'm aware...
[a pleasurable headache] the absence of Culture
March 3, 2024
The State of the Culture, 2024 Via Sentiers All in all this is a pretty depressing read, but puts a finger on so many elements and symptoms of the current...
[a pleasurable headache] incredible wood welder
February 18, 2024
Deer Editor Issue 2 is out in stores. Click through to be taken through to Ryan's newsletter and some lovely preview art as well as another look at that Phil...
[a pleasurable headache]a swamp of circumstance
February 4, 2024
The last two weeks have been a cavalcade of health scares in the family (all good now), Florence bringing back a plethora of illnesses from nursery...
[a pleasurable headache] critical periods
January 21, 2024
A link-only edition this week. It's been a fairly turbulent week with a sudden health scare/shock in the family meaning the majority of the week has been...
[a pleasurable headache] errant parachutes
January 7, 2024
First up, Deer Editor is coming on January 10th from Mad Cave Studios. Written by Ryan K Lindsay, art by Sami Kivela, colours by Lauren Affe and letters by...
[a pleasurable headache] See you in the new year!
December 24, 2023
No links this week or newsletter. I mean, who’s going to read a newsletter on Christmas Eve? The next entry will be in the new year. See you in two!
[a pleasurable headache] unfit for human life
December 10, 2023
The toe heals. I submitted one of the two short stories I wanted to finish by the end of the year. The second story is taking it's time to reveal itself to...
[a pleasurable headache] war through a screen
November 26, 2023
It's been a wild two weeks again. My aim to finish two short stories before the end of the year is well on track, but real life is trying to have the last...
[a pleasurable headache] contradictory modalities of living a life
November 12, 2023
Apologies, it's a small one this week. It has been an eventful fortnight. We got our first real bout of 'toddlers being disease vectors'. Flo had a round of...
[a pleasurable headache] hot pink spartan
October 29, 2023
A short one this week as the week has slowly derailed through Flo bringing home another illness. === The situation in Gaza is rapidly evolving. It almost...
[a pleasurable headache] it's not complicated
October 15, 2023
So, this was announced during the week on Twitter: 💀SHORT SCARES TOC ANNOUNCEMENT!💀 69 two sentence horror stories from 69 authors Coming Spring 2024 This...
[a pleasurable headache] flourishing with a gun in our hands
October 1, 2023
Not too many links this week as I've been trying to conquer a TBR pile that I've allowed to get quite out of hand and make headway on two writing projects I...
[a pleasurable headache]
September 17, 2023
It's a bit of an odd one this week as I started this entry way before the allotted Sunday release time. The plan was for me to run a 10K this weekend, the...
[a pleasurable headache] a perfectly fine newsletter
September 3, 2023
Updates It was recently announced that I will have a story in the upcoming "The Perfectly Fine Neighborhood" from French Press. The TOC (Table of Contents)...
[a pleasurable headache] step up onto that piss-poor foothold
August 20, 2023
It's a short one this week I'm afraid as I've had a hell of a week. Nursery starts in a few weeks for Flo, but until then we're having to plug the stopgap...
[a pleasurable headache] spied on spies
August 6, 2023
Still no word on the submission alluded to in the last edition. This is how the wheels of progress turn in the writing game a lot of the time. Slowly,...
[a pleasurable headache] a different kind of heat
July 23, 2023
Apologies for the errors that have plagued this newsletter for the last few editions. Worryingly, I have no idea what went wrong. Buttondown is usually so...
[a pleasurable headache] broken and late edition
July 11, 2023
Apparently the last three editions of this newsletter have not gone out. This is the one that was supposed to have gone out on the Sunday just gone....
[a pleasurable headache] a particularly cruel knife
June 25, 2023
Reading/Watching/Listening I am currently reading The Five, which unearths the lives of the five (canonical) victims of Jack the Ripper. It swims against the...
[a pleasurable headache] festering doomscape
June 11, 2023
To the links! DOOM and the horror of gameplay memory https://write.as/kybard/doom-and-gameplay-memory A write up on an interesting mod for the original Doom,...
[a pleasurable headache] powerful new marxism
May 28, 2023
Why Are We in Ukraine? <https://harpers.org/archive/2023/06/why-are-we-in-ukraine/> Benjamin Schwarz and Christopher Lane in Harpers ask the question. It's a...
[a pleasurable headache] fetishizing the machinery of war without fetishizing the war machine
May 14, 2023
A 23-year-old Snapchat influencer used OpenAI’s technology to create an A.I. version of herself that will be your girlfriend for $1 per minute...
[a pleasurable headache] the irrational factionalism of human beings
April 30, 2023
It’s a very short set of links this time around. I read quite a few longer pieces during the last fortnight, rather than a lot of shorter pieces. /// Overdue...
[a pleasurable headache] guerilla criticism
April 16, 2023
I've thought a lot recently about making these newsletters into blog posts instead. They would, I think, allow a great degree of flexibility and also allow...
[a pleasurable headache] blue hair and spats
April 2, 2023
Top Gun: Maverick https://www.patreon.com/posts/top-gun-maverick-80420500 Priscilla Page does it again, this time with a great read on the blockbuster...
[A Pleasurable Headache] No Show
March 19, 2023
Alas, no newsletter this week due to a series of cascading indigents, including losing an earlier draft. This week has conspired against me. Normal service...
[a pleasurable headache] like flipping a coin
March 5, 2023
So many links! Apologies for the formatting of this issue. Buttondown seems to have changed up the formatting options/layout and everything in between. No...
[A Pleasurable Headache] always be a chameleon
February 19, 2023
Nowt but the links this week. === How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline https://seymourhersh.substack.com/p/how-america-took-out-the-nord-stream...
[a pleasurable headache] No one wins a giant teddy bear unless the carny wants them to win it
February 5, 2023
The last two weeks have seemed like someone has shoved six months into a fortnight. We’ve had illnesses, late night hospital visits, missed gigs we’ve been...
[a pleasurable headache] don't create systems that obfuscate waste
January 22, 2023
A pocket-sized edition this week. Links Universal Soldier? The Emersonian Combat Experience of Terrence Malick’s ‘The Thin Red Line’...
[A Pleasurable Headache] stop being human
January 8, 2023
As is tradition, I present the books, TV and movies I enjoyed the most in 2022. Books My book reading took a hit this year. I tended to favour physical books...
[A Pleasurable Headache] a subterranean white elephant
December 25, 2022
Not much up top this week. The plan for doing my usual 'Faves of the Year' is to include it in the next edition of the newsletter as there are still some...
[A Pleasurable Headache] choose your words as if someone will remember them
December 11, 2022
It’s not a huge edition this week as I’m prepping to drive down south for a family gathering. North Devon in December, of all places. Time off at the day job...
[A Non-Pleasurable Headache]
November 27, 2022
The newsletter has been decimated this week due to two factors: I tested positive for Covid on Friday. I felt rough, figured it was a seasonal flu and then...
[A Pleasurable Headache] Nowhere to Hide
November 13, 2022
Everything is in increments now. My head still hasn’t fully switched from writing before baby to the current reality. It’s getting there though. As ever, the...
[A Pleasurable Headache]
October 30, 2022
Apologies for another curtailed edition this week. I'm typing the last parts of this out entirely on my phone as I am sans computer whilst visiting family....
[A Pleasurable Headache] masters of our environment
October 16, 2022
Peter Thiel’s Palantir Had Secret Plan to Crack UK’s NHS: ‘Buying Our Way In’ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-30/palantir-had-plan-to-crack-...
[A Pleasurable Headache] restorative endeavours
October 2, 2022
I’m still getting used to having another living thing be entirely dependent on me/us to live. As mentioned previously I have been attending a writing sprint...
[A Pleasurable Headache] scribbling in the shadows
September 17, 2022
This was supposed to go out two weeks ago, and for some reason has been sat in drafts instead. Which means you will be getting two newsletters from me this...
[A Pleasurable Headache] A quick update
August 21, 2022
Apologies, but no newsletter again this week. My reading input the last few weeks, as you can imagine, has essentially been zero. However, now there is...
[A Pleasurable Headache] Flo State
August 7, 2022
Florence Aletta Hill, born 29th July at 0100 after a very chaotic birth. She and mother are both doing well. Needless to say there won't be a newsletter this...
[A Pleasurable Headache] What is a veggie korma?
July 24, 2022
This newsletter, like everything else at the moment, is stuck in a kind of limbo. Baby is imminent. The day job is a relentless maelstrom, prone to pangs of...
[A Pleasurable Headache] Everyone I meet who’s active on the internet looks tired as fuck in real life.
July 10, 2022
Updates & Fuel for the tank There’s not a lot of links this week I’m afraid. My reading has mostly been of the book variety the past few weeks, namely the...
[A Pleasurable Headache] The first page is a promise
June 26, 2022
I seemed to gain a handful of new subscribers last week. I have no idea where they came from, but welcome! As the copy says, it's mostly links! Shall we?...
[A Pleasurable Headache] a bundle of sunshine, happiness and sass
June 12, 2022
We ended up losing Corky, our guinea pig referenced in the last newsletter. Between the infection and her gut not seeming to kick-start itself again I think,...
[A Pleasurable Headache] Wildly Imperfect
May 29, 2022
What an exhausting two weeks. We are currently having to syringe feed a very sick Guinea Pig every 3-4 hours throughout the day. It has been an ordeal. On...
[A Pleasurable Headache] Hereditary Aristrocracy
May 15, 2022
The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. Antenatal classes, MOT tests, baby worries (false alarm!), and a hellish perfect storm of events that means my...
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