Redis with SQLite, strict tables, and grep by example.
Hi! I'm Anton, Golang developer and SQLite enthusiast. I work on open source and blog about programming.
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Long time no see! (even longer than usual, sorry about that) Hope you are well.
Since the last issue, I've been working mostly on Redka — Redis re-implemented with SQLite.
You may find this idea a bit strange, but it makes sense for some use cases. By using a (very fast) relational engine, you keep most of the benefits of Redis and get some new ones like these:
Redka is on its way to 1.0, and it already includes features like strings, lists, hash tables, sorted sets, key management, and transactions. It's available as a Go library for in-process use, and as a separate Redis-compatible server.
Speaking of SQLite, I'm starting a series of short notes about handy SQLite features you may not have heard about. The first one is about "strict" tables.
On a completely unrelated note, I've created Grep by example — an interactive step-by-step guide to grep operations. It's also available as a PDF mini-book and bookmarkable playground.
That's all for now! See you in about a month.