Just for fun this evening I browsed through my shelves and pulled out a number of books that caught my eye, with basically one fuzzy criterion:
What books seem rich in potential for learning and reading with others?
There's some obvious overlap here with what we're working on at Hyperlink — book clubs, peer-driven learning, space for exploring things together…
To that end, you may be interested in some of our events coming up this week, particularly the one exploring book club possibilities:
Hyper Meta - Hyperlink event series
And now, here's a (sub)selection* of what, at least today, spoke to me as "books that might be particularly great to explore with a few friends":
Any of these stand out as ones I should write about, and/or that you'd be tentatively interested in reading together? Let me know!
*as I'm reviewing all the books I pulled, I'm noting a few categories / clusters of books that I'm saving for later lists!