September 2024 listings out now + Attempting Something weekend passes
New listings available now, and weekend tickets for our big weekend...
Hello, paper punks.
Meteorological autumn is here, and that’s fine. The September listings are available now, having been posted to subscribers and distributed to the usual spots (and a couple of new ones) over the weekend: as ever, get to BOOKS or Tome or WASTE or Dash this week and pick one up, or download right here. Particular thanks to PageMasters for printing in their new Bubblegum Pink riso colour, although if you ate the calendar it will not stay with you for six years. (Is that bollocks? I bet that’s bollocks.)
As you’d expect: grid full of gigs, particularly festivals and weekenders as mentioned before - shout out to Chimpyfest for a band name lineup that never disappoints - and the back has a quick chat with SPUDVIDZ, an internet video person who’s been capturing contemporary hardcore as it travels through Bristol and London in the finest of aspect ratios. Click here, watch Morreadoras, subscribe, come back.

As you might expect, I’ve been mostly getting the November weekend together, which personally makes me wonder if I should get stockpiling more interviews, features and other Strategies treats to make the newsletter more exciting - so yes, any ideas welcome so send me a reply. Attempting Something weekend passes are on sale too until September 21st, at which time I’ll get day splits on sale, so if you fancy all of it and want to save some money, get clicking. £30 waged or £15 unwaged, a nice time guaranteed, badge in the post…
Anyway, you can guess where I’ll be this weekend - if you see a large man holding a pint and a Sony Cybershot, do come and say hello. 18 bands in a day, you say? Oh, what fun…
Take care, form a band, ceasefire Right Now / B P / A S