Another Subculture - HAPPY NEW YEAR
Hello paper punks, how we doing?
It's New Year's Eve, everybody has Covid and I'm planning an evening of walking up a hill to get a good view of the midnight drone display, just as it forms into the only lateral flow stick left in the city. 2021 has been a wild ride, but you could say it was better than last year mind, kind of - there were gigs, for one...
And with that came, oh, four Another Subculture calendars for the year before I got bogged down, moved house and stressed out about putting a piece of paper full of line-ups, venues and full nights that had a tendency to, let's say, shift about a bit in these upside down smile emoji times. The summer was a time to remember how to stand in a crowd and do a silly mosh, and in the pages produced we covered Concrete Culture, chatted to Sister Midnight on their huge plans for the Ravensbourne Arms, caught up with the Fuzzbrain crew as they returned to the smoke and heralded the return of Out and About. And they were the best looking issues yet - all thanks to Bethan Chainey, JMKE and Toby Evans-Jesra (buy the print!) for illustrating and Pagemasters for their quick riso magic. Two of them even had listings!
— ★彡J.M.K.E🗿 (@sistersniffany) December 22, 2021
So, an incomplete and on occasion frustrating year of making paper, but with a sense of bloody mindedness and a Twitter feed full of epidemiologists bringing the cope, I want to resume Another Subculture in some form in 2022. Great timing of course - England is presumably going to reintroduce some form of social distancing while we ride out the Omicron, and so everything does look a little, uh, fucked. I'd like to ask you then, what would make the most sense: publish gig listings in the hope they happen, alongside online events and whatever else is happening? Keep it a post zine (or just a regular, pay a few quid in a shop magazine?) Do a zine swap until we know what February looks like? If you've enjoyed Another Subculture over the past couple of years then I really want to know: fill out this two question form or for your nonsense.

Skitter // 30/10/21 - YouTube
Skitter @ New River Studios for Game’s Halloween record release 30/10/21 W/GamePest ControlThe Annihilated Vacuous TS WarspiteFateDonor Records:donor.recor…
In the meantime, some resolutions. I want to see Skitter and Pest Control for the first time, and I want to see No Home and aya again as soon as possible. I want to compete the Capital Ring and make a guide to it with my lovely partner. And I might leave Twitter? Who knows.

BB and the Blips - The Sickness (2021) - YouTube
The SicknessTrack one from a visual swansong single (Visongle?) by BB and the Blips (2021)T H E S I C K N E S S (A Spiral Times Production)Chapter I : The …
What you should do before the year ends: watch the BB and The Blips swansong video single 'The Sickness'; follow Repetitive Strain and look out for the radio show (half me, half SPH) as it heads south for 2022; buy Swoon zine, which has been my favourite document of 'about last night'/woozy gig memories in a little while; find a copy of the Loud and Quiet 150th issue and bask in the page where they remind you who Teen Sheikhs were. 2009 was a long time ago. Listen to the best punk records of 2021 (that'll be Taqbir and EXEK, then.)
Above all else - have a safe and fun NYE, hope your 2022 isn't too much and look out for each other. (And get your booster if you haven't already, this pandemic is here to stay for a little while longer and a couple of days with a dead arm is worth it for everyone involved!)
Take care everybody – B P / A S