ANOTHER SUBCULTURE at the Anarchist Bookfair this weekend + Alternative Strategies out now
Another zine fair, another paper.
Hello again, punk papers.
A quick one while I recover from Static Shock Weekend: Alternative Strategies' autumn 2022 issue is out now and I'll be getting some distro copies out in the world throughout September. But I'm starting shipping orders from tomorrow, so buy one RIGHT NOW.
I will also be tabling at the Anarchist Bookfair zine zone at the Freedom Bookshop in Whitechapel this coming Saturday (17th September). Entry is free, I'll have new and old zines and whatever merchandise I still have ready for you - come down, get some seditious literature, save a few quid on postage. If you've got zines and want a table, email Pete (of BOOKS fame) at but be quick!
I tabled Punk Christmas on Friday and Saturday and it was great to meet everyone and get some ideas, and I have to say that Taqbir, Warthog, Pest Control and The Number Ones were fucking tremendous. Still tempted to go to Pop Mutations' Glasgow weekend in October, and do not forget that Decolonise Fest and Till the Fest are both coming up very soon - tickets for both are available, get to the gig.
Some enquiries: now Awesome Merchandise has gone down the spout, who's your go-to for badges? When should the next Alternative Strategies come out? What zines have you been enjoying recently? How long does it take to organise a festival, huh? Reply with your answers, I want those vox pops.
And now, to sleep. TikTok dreams... - - B P