Hello again, punk papers! Have we got a new issue for you...
Another Subculture's newsletter Alternative Strategies returns with the autumn edition. 36 pages of interviews, features and reviews conducted over the silly summer.
Catch-ups with adults, Sister Sniffany (of the Nits) and Skitter.
PC World interviews Spencer Ackerman of Forever Wars and writer of the upcoming DC Comics series Waller vs. Wildstorm.
Powerplant sneak us an exclusive peek at their adventures.
There's new writing by Dolly Carie, Creg Clarrrk, Elena Colman, Alice Musgrove and the mysterious DJ Mal. Photos come from Leigh Arthur and Carl Farrugia, who also shot the front cover photograph of Big Cheese.
And also: gigs reviewed from memory, guides to streaming gigs and records, and lots more.
With the first edition going down rather well indeed, there are more contributors and hopefully a wider range of punk time in this one - I'm really excited to get this in your hands. Once again there's 200 copies; PageMasters are doing the riso magic plus the finishing (did it manually for issue one, it was long).
🧾 Click here to pre-order! 🧾
£6 + £2 postage, shipping from next week.
Taking orders in a little ahead of time so I can get organised and just in case anything slips, but the issue is being printed as I type. If all goes well, there will be copies at Static Shock Weekend this Friday and Saturday - if that's confirmed, go to the merch room and say hello. If not, then just go and spend your hard earned cash on novelty scarves. Remember that the CWU union are taking direct action against the Royal Mail boss bastards, so be patient if there's any delay in postage as I'm not sending on a strike day.
And of course - if you are receiving this email and run a distro, shop, zine library or going concern and want distro copies, please give me a bell: - I will be hitting up the issue one takers and getting this paper out and about in the coming weeks.
I should say too that Alternative Strategies listings are back to basics and back around the city - slow and steady since deciding to redo the calendar, Xerox a few hundred copies and get out as cheaply as possible - so get the above printed and stuck on your fridge.
Hard copies are available at the moment in shops and venues around south-east London and Soho, but I want them everywhere - and you can get a copy mailed to your door either by clicking here, or by signing up to the Patreon. (£2 turns into £1.64 thanks to PayPal and a first class stamp is 95p; if you want me to send you 1 or 100 it costs about same.)
So there we have it - more paper, hope you enjoy and hope you all had a wicked summer, because as I'm typing this another Tory PM is being announced and we're all heading into the cold abyss - Don't Pay UK has your back...
Take care, do a zine - - B P / A S