Solstice + Sunrise
Hello friends,
How are you doing? What’s up these days? How is the holiday season treating you?
Tomorrow we enter the solstice portal. The science of the stars is not my forte but astrology twitter has been going off about this solstice for a bit – apparently it’s a bit deal. According to my favorite pop astrologist Chani Nicholas, Jupiter + Saturn come together just after solstice to form something called The Great Conjunction. “For the first time in a couple hundred years, this conjunction will take place in a new element, and therefore denotes a paradigm shift. Air is the element of the intellect, the social sphere, and communications. The Great Conjunction occurring on the solstice, a moment historically equated with new beginnings, is a far more powerful initiation than the turning of the clock to January 1st, 2021.”
Woah! This is a very auspicious time to set intentions for the future. There are lots of good rituals for this – journaling, making plans, doing something special to kick-start good energy for the season, taking an intentional walk and thinking reeeeeally hard about the future.... you’ve got lots of options.
If you’re in Wellington, you can join me tomorrow morning at 5:30AM at the top of Mt Victoria (at the lookout!) for a short 20-minute meditation to start the summer and set our trajectory for The Great Conjunction. We’re going to do a classic Kundalini meditation called Beaming and Creating the Future, which I like very much and have taught before. You might recognize it. Yes, there will be tea afterwards. Event is free. Come watch the first sunrise of summer with me :) Weather permitting – stay inside if it’s raining, ok?
Alright, that’s it for now.
Sat nam! See you around.