future classes/future yoga

Kia ora, friends! Its been a while, yes? I wanted to quickly let you know about a few things.

Our Tuesday morning 10-11:15 AM gentle yoga class is going strong! It moved from the Newtown Hall to the Newtown Community Centre on Colombo & Rintoul, which recently finished renovations so we get to roll around on a nice wooden floor in a warm room with four heat pumps and a $25K light and sound system. The class is also baby-friendly, so there is a good chance a sweet toddler will crawl onto your lap during meditation. A small bummer is that the community centre lost funding for yoga (and many other health & wellness classes), so we've changed its "price" from gold coin donation to koha donation. I appreciate everyone helping to cover our costs and support this community offering!
I am covering the Thursday 10-11 AM all-levels koha yoga class for the next two weeks (so... see you tomorrow morning), also at the Newtown Community Centre. This class used to be in my regular rotation, and I'm stoked to hang out with the crew again. Come say hi!
Beginning on Saturday November 4th at 9:30-10:45 AM, Kundalini Yoga is back! And, it's ALSO at the Newtown Community Centre and baby friendly!! I really, really miss practicing Kundalini Yoga with a group. Instead of a weekly class, I'm putting on a regular workshop the first Saturday of each month. The new Koha Kundalini Yoga Club will have an online newletter/webzine you can sign up for if you want the whole experience, or you can just attend the class. I'll be streaming this one as well so if you're not in Wellington but are up from 9:30-10:45 AM NZT, don't worry! You can join! More details coming soon, but just reply to this email if you really want to get on the list.
Very exciting.
See you around, and talk to you soon!