Andy's Musings
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #9 - From there, to here... to where?
October 8, 2023
Well, that has been quite the year. Also: Hello! Surprise! How are you? Yes, it's a newsletter that you probably forgot you subscribed to... I've been from...
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #8 - Advocate, Interrupted
November 27, 2022
In which recent events, create an unanticipated “fork in the road” for my career. The Ending (at the beginning) If you’ve been following me for any length of...
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #7 (special 2022 recap)
July 10, 2022
What I’ve been doing in 2022 (so far) If you’ve been a subscriber or read previous issues of my newsletter, the format is a little different (for reasons...
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #6
March 8, 2021
This week, it is going to be a fairly “direct, and to-the-point” newsletter. No musical interludes, no “older” stories. I didn’t get a lot of writing of my...
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #5
March 1, 2021
Hello again. It’s Monday, and it’s March. Happy Women’s History Month! Also a bit of a less happy milestone, marking a whole year of not stepping foot inside...
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #4
February 22, 2021
Having family and friends in Texas, I’ve spent some time reading about that over the past week. On the “day job” side I’ve also been doing a lot of thinking...
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #3
February 15, 2021
Happy mid-February! Thank you for the comments on last week’s newsletter - interesting to know how things are developing, and what catches your attention....
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #2
February 8, 2021
Well, if the “new” world of newsletters is going to be any, for me, it’s likely to be a slow burner. I remember Roo’s Letter was a fun weekly distraction,...
Andy's discoveries and musings - Issue #1
January 29, 2021
Hello! Over the course of the average week, I share a decent number of links across various social channels, usually because they are interesting, thought-...