2: Good things take time.
Greetings and Salutations!
Oh, hey! It’s been awhile. I’ve kept your seat warm. Come in. Get comfortable. I’ll pour you a drink. I only have apple cider or apple juice? Happy October!
Anyway, I hope you’ve been well. Let’s get down to business.
This is an update that I’ve been waiting all year to share... CAMERA MAN #1 IS FINISHED, AND THE BACKERKIT SURVEYS ARE NOW IN YOUR INBOX. (Message me over social media or email me at andrew.b.leamon@gmail.com if you haven’t received yours.)
Please, please, please fill it out as soon as you can. Xander is doing the fulfillment and will need your information to give you your digital and/or physical editions of the comic.
Backers, thank you so much for your patience and support… Xander, the team, and I wanted to make sure the comic was in the best possible shape for everyone. I hope you love it as much as we do! We packed it with 47 pages of character, heart, and story. Please let us know what you think!
And check out the final version of the issue one cover… 😍
I liked the original cover alot, but when I scanned the finished PDF I was pleasantly shocked to see the new cover. Xander somehow outdid himself. I'm obsessed with it. My favorite touch is the lens flare that resembles Kirby Krackle. Just (chef’s kiss)!
As I stated last month, Xander and I are hard at work on issues 2 and 3. We decided to make both issues the same length as issue 1, so you will be able to experience the story at its fullest. Xander has gigantic ideas for these issues that can’t fit the standard 22-page format. And that’s one of the perks of crowdfunding! With your support, we can do it how we want, based on the needs of the story.
I'm also working on other creator-owned comics alongside Camera Man #2 (a miniseries and a graphic novella). I already forgot their codenames, but both are coming along nicely. You likely won’t see these for awhile. Good things take time.
When I was single, I hated online dating, but I kind of loved filling out my profile. It was surprisingly hard to define myself in words, but I always enjoyed the challenge.
On one of the dating apps, I was asked to list my favorite media. In an effort to tell you more about myself, I thought I might do that here.
(Note: I'm not posting everything. Just some favorites for each category. If you were to ask me to list my favorites tomorrow, you would get a different list.)
Chainsaw Man
All-Star Superman
Kirby's Fourth World Saga
Helter Skelter
Elektra Lives Again
F For Fake
The Truman Show
The Sting
Everything Everywhere All At Once
Parks and Recreation
Twin Peaks: The Return
Gurren Lagann
Space Ghost: Coast to Coast
Off Panel
A Satanist Reads the Bible
The “Farts and Procreation” episodes of Comedy Bang Bang
Patrick (H) Willems
Super Eyepatch Wolf
Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
Mass Effect 2
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Pokémon Crystal
Kendrick Lamar
The Smiths
Talking Heads
David Bowie
Alex Breen is one of my favorite people in comics. Not only is he one of the best upcoming writers in the game today, I have the privilege to call him one of my best friends. He interviewed me to discuss “Final Round” at C2E2 years ago, and we immediately hit it off. The dude has already put out two absolute bangers: “Devour” and “Chaser”.
Since I’ve known him, he’s had this finished martial arts revenge comic titled “From Within” under his belt. I got to read all of it earlier this year, and I was blown away. Some of the best action writing I’ve ever seen in comics. The assassin in the woods issue is a particular favorite.
Great news, the entire story is now collected and available to back on Kickstarter. He’s already almost at his goal with 4 days left. I highly recommend you give it your support. If you love martial arts stories like I do, you will love this comic.
Ruthie is getting into hibernation mode and becoming a grumpy hamburger, but with the temperature starting to drop and things getting darker outside earlier that’s to be expected. Also, sadly, she is going to need another surgery.
She tore one of her hind leg ACLs last year, and they warned us that there’s a 60% chance the other will tear due to her breed. Her first dog park visit after recovering from heartworm this summer was most likely the culprit of this tear. The girl gets so excited at the park that she plays super hard. Thank goodness that pet insurance is better than human health insurance.
Poor girl just can’t get a break.
Next month, I'll share some previously unseen pages from Camera Man #1 and talk about the fun and unique process of writing it.
Thanks for reading!
If you don’t already, be sure to follow my social media pages (linked below) for the latest updates and nonsense.