Metaphorical Rowing Machine
I am not the world's greatest multi-tasker. In fact, I might be the worst. I only need to spin more than one plate and I get stressed out.
This form of tunnel vision can be useful in making comics. I'm able to sit down and ink a book for three months straight. In that time I will get very good at inking. I will also forget how to draw and write and colour and letter and do all the other aspects of the work. Not ideal when those skills need to be reasonably sharp in order to do the job.
It's a bit like going to the gym. Once you stop it's difficult to start again. Not because you'll feel sore after your first session back, but the mental fortitude required to drag your enfeebled lats back to the rowing machine.
In order to combat the rust that quickly creeps in, I have been trying to spin more than one plate. Work on more than one book. Even though it makes my head hurt.
While my digital drawing is up to snuff, working on paper has taken a back seat. The solution is to dust off the thumbnails of the sister book to The Book Tour and figure out this pen on paper thing again. It's not easy, but the fear of facing the metaphorical rowing machine afresh is keeping me accountable.
I'm calling it a sister book not to be awfully pretentious, but because it's not a prequel or a sequel. It's It occurs concurrently with the events of The Book Tour.
Thumbnails (pencil on A4 scrap paper).

Inks (A5, pen on watercolour paper)

When will it be out? No idea. When will it be finished? Hopefully next year. I am about halfway through.

Speaking of The Book Tour, the Dutch version is out in January 2024. Here's the cover of De Boekentoer. Say it out loud. Louder! Sounds good, doesn't it?

I had the pleasure of designing one of Page 45's gift voucher cards. If someone in your life needs a voucher for comics (and you know they do), this is the perfect addition to your generous gesture.

And I've drawn a fun little two-pager for my agent that will pop up at some point. I am shamelessly putting product placement of my own books in my own comics.

Out now!

Punycorn published by HarperCollins
Blackwells/ WHSmith/ B&N/ BAM!/ Hudson/ Target/ Walmart/ Amazon/ AmazonUK
Hardcover : 224 pages
ISBN-10 : 0358571995
ISBN-13 : 978-0358571995
Reading age : 8 - 12 years
You can read more about Punycorn, from pitch to publication over at my patreon.
And if you read and enjoyed the book please leave a positive review online where editors will read them and continue to pay me to make more books in the spirit of generosity and kindness that publishing is known for.

I now have a bunch of my books on Kindle. Dumped, Breakfast After Noon, The City Never Sleeps (short story sampler), Super Hero Pink(previously Gum's a long story), Glister and Princess Decomposia.
I have DRM-free PDF versions of more of my backlist on Ko-fi and Gumroad
I still have books out in the world: Sunburn, Paris, Kerry and the Knight of the Forest & the awards nominated The Book Tour. Support my efforts through my store – digital comics – patreon or by leaving a positive review online.