August 2, 2019 🧶 ICYMI #7: August 2, 2019 Hello hello! Shorter this week. A handful of things I thought were great this week that you might have missed... ✏️ Writes Carie Fisher wrote "Getting to the Heart of Digital Accessibility". @coffeespoonie wrote ""This is What Disabled Looks Like": The Sometimes Hard-To-See Line Between Visible and Invisible Disabilities". Eric Bailey wrote "Truths about digital accessibility". 💬 Twitter 🧵 @nyan_satan deep dives into what Lightning video adapters really are. 🐦 @MindaHarts: Just because an employee is good at a couple things doesn't mean they should be managing people. 🐦 Fake AI subfield specialties for @sineadwilliamso to introduce their husband by at a conference. 🎧 Podcasts Dalia Katan guested on The Way We Lead to discuss how to create more inclusive workplaces. Rachel Andrew guested on Shop Talk Show to talk about technical writing. Emma Wedekind guested on React Podcast to talk about mentorship. 🌵 Personal I published my second lesson on Egghead and kicked off planning for a course. I recorded for the a11y rules podcast (to be released next week). Nic talks to some amazing people for that podcast and I'm honored and humbled to be among them. I'm getting super excited for React Rally here in a few weeks! Have a lovely weekend! 💜, Amberley Don't miss what's next. Subscribe to 🧶 ICYMI: Subscribe