🧶 ICYMI #17: August 20, 2021
Happy Friday, y’all —
Here’s a few bits and bobs that came my way this week.
✏️ Writes
- Adding machine learning to your Jamstack site (Charlie Gerard)
- Client-Side Architecture Basics Guide (Khalil Stemmler)
- Practical Uses of CSS Math Functions: calc, clamp, min, max (Stephanie Eckles)
🔨 Projects
- Compilers for Humans - A work-in-progress project focused on demystifying the steps and concepts behind compilers. I’ve been so excited for this one — if you’re interested, sign up to receive modules of the course as the draft progresses.
- Beginner JavaScript Text Guide - Text notes from Wes Bos based on his Beginner JavaScript course.
🎤 Talks + Events
- Inclusive Design 24 - “A free 24-hour online event for the global community. It celebrates inclusive design and shares knowledge and ideas from analogue to digital, from design to development, from planners to practitioners, and everything and everyone in between.” (September 23rd).
💬 Tweets
instead of geometry and trig, I wish my high school courses were about taxes, retirement plans and investing. how did you learn these life skills? from your parents as a kid, or did you learn on your own as n adult?
It’s strange to me that in all the conversation about developer productivity, I rarely see people talk about the cost of turnover. There is loss of time and money and a strain on morale due to interviewing, onboarding, instability, and the shift of group dynamics.
Non-white men in tech. You may think you’re being paid well, but it’s incredibly likely you’re being paid less than your colleagues in the same role and level. Ask your colleagues what they make. If you’re one of those men, please offer it. I was once making 75k less.
🦄 Random
- Mystery book boxes - If you’re looking for a gift for a book-inclined human, local Austin bookstore BookPeople does mystery boxes based on their interests! (Also for kids). Not an ad, just a nice gift idea.
🌵 Personal
- There was a bittersweet (given the pandemic) trend on Twitter to share a picture of yourself on stage, for any reason. I shared from my talk at JAMstack Conf NYC 2019. So many tech friends shared theatrical and musical photos as well. Made my heart happy.
- My pup Riggins turned 3 this week!
Have a great weekend, y’all,