A Boatload of Updates
Hello readers!
It's been a while. A busy while, and that means I've got several updates!
First up, I have not one, not two, but three publications to tell you about!
In March, my flash story about one god who’s eternally falling and another who’s eternally rising went up at Uncanny.

Check out “The God, Descendant” here: https://www.uncannymagazine.com/article/the-god-descendant/
In April, I had a second horror story appear in FIYAH. “A Carapace of Coral” has a fair amount of vibes regarding parental stress and also body horror. You can purchase the issue here: https://fiyahlitmag.com/shop/issues/2024-issues/fiyah-30/
And May brought the publication of my debut novelette.

“Sever and Bind” features magic sand made from the bones of dead gods, a thorny relationship with a ghost mother, and a good girl ghost doggo.
The story was written with my own past good doggo (or as we said, “such a good dog—most of the time”) Cassia very much in mind.

Read “Sever and Bind” here: https://www.beneath-ceaseless-skies.com/stories/sever-and-bind/
And now, some announcements
First, I’m delighted to say that I’ve joined the editorial team at Diabolical Plots! This means I’ll be joining editor-in-chief David and editors Ziv and Hal (with a short crossover with Chelle) in selecting the DP stories that’ll hit your eyeballs, working with writers to edit some of those stories, and helping out with some other projects as they arise. See the full announcement here: https://www.diabolicalplots.com/announcements-submission-window-first-reader-applications-staff-changes/
Also, if there are any folks who’ve wanted to try out being a first reader, our applications are open to BIPOC folks now and will open to everyone on May 27. Otherwise, writers, please send us your stories beginning July 8!
Next, I’ll be virtually attending the Nebula conference!
I’m on the “Grow from No: How to Survive (and Thrive) From Rejection” panel on Saturday, June 8, at 10:30 PDT (11:30 in my timezone).
From there, I’ll roll straight into cohosting the Parent Authors online meet up at 11:30 PDT.
I’m also doing some Office Hours on Sunday, which have already booked up.
Last, come fall I’ll be attending WFC 2024 in person! Not sure yet if I’ll be on any programming, but as I haven’t been to a con in person since 2018 I’m excited for that.
That should cover everything for now! Till next time.