Speculations & Oddities
September Book Recs
September 3, 2024
Hello readers! It’s September, which means we’re headed into my favorite season, fall. I am not a huge fan of summer’s heat; I prefer a nice crisp breeze,...
A Boatload of Updates
May 21, 2024
Hello readers! It's been a while. A busy while, and that means I've got several updates! First up, I have not one, not two, but three publications to tell...
I Contain Multitudes, Etc.
July 21, 2023
Hello readers! In my last newsletter I said to anticipate that this one would be short, as it'd be for a drabble (100-word story). The drabble part is...
The Value of Art, Monetary and Otherwise
June 20, 2023
Hello, readers! I’m perpetually slow to respond to the various Concerns about publishing that make the rounds on social media. That, combined with my child...
20th Original Story Publication: "The Nana Inheritance"
May 17, 2023
Hello, subscribers! I'm delighted to announce my 20th original short story publication, "The Nana Inheritance" is up at Nature: Futures! Nature: Futures (and...
New Story: "The House, the Witch, and Sugarcane Stalks"
April 27, 2023
Happy late April, readers, and hello from my new newsletter platform, Buttondown! I’m happy to announce my debut in Lightspeed, and my first story of 2023,...
Upcoming Changes
April 16, 2023
Hello everyone! I’m sending out a quick note to alert folks that I’m changing platforms for my newsletter, hopefully to be completed in another week or so....
I'm Agented! And also, Thoughts on Querying
January 9, 2023
Hey everyone! If you keep up with me on social media (or you’re a family member) you’ve probably already seen that I’m now agented by Paul Lucas at Janklow &...
Double Feature
December 3, 2022
It’s December, and I’ve had two new short stories come out since I last visited your inbox! Let’s say this newsletter combo is not the result of getting too...
Behind the Story: "The Blooms of Sorrow"
October 1, 2022
Hello hello! Now that I have another story published, it’s newsletter time! The story in question is “The Blooms of Sorrow” in Issue 24: Hauntings and...
Why I write both short and long fiction
September 19, 2022
Hello, readers! If you’ve subscribed to my newsletter pre-launch you probably already know at least a little bit about me, like that I write SFF and some...
Coming soon
September 7, 2022
This is Speculation and Oddities, a newsletter about Spec fic, mostly mine, and occasional other odd things. Subscribe now