What Matters
The other day, one of my dearest friends and I remarked that we haven’t gotten to hang out yet. We’ve been friends for 10+ years. (We're plotting something for next year. They’re awesome! I am elated by this idea.)
Yes, I love spending time with those that matter to me. But so many of my dearest friends are humans I have not gotten to hug. Yet.
I don’t consider them less my friend because of that. In fact, in hard times, it’s often the kindness and love from humans not in my close proximity who step up the fastest. Until August of this year, I hadn’t gotten to hug one of my dearest, until we went off to Europe together. And there are some folks that argue this is how you get murdered, but honestly, there are a million different ways to get to know people.
And they’re all valid.
I’ve been very online for a very long time. (“Do not cite the deep magic to me, witch. I was there when it was written.”) But I am also very good at people. And I have learned to lean full tilt into my instincts, my gut, the ragged beat of the heart my chest. Intuition has always, always served me well. So, I embrace those who make me feel calm, who meet me halfway, who show care, who listen, who share—there are so many ways to connect. And I love that?
I love to be a human who is trusted. Lean on me. Appreciate me. It’s that safety that gets me to open up, and honestly, it’s that or nothing. And something the other day reminded me how important and affirming it is to be appreciated. My god, yes, please. That is the shit.
I put everything I have into what matters to me. That means the people around me, near and far. I’ve been called a hurricane (complimentary) and a force of nature (complimentary) more than a few times. Formidable in my own way. I have deep roots. I know myself. I protect those I love in whatever way I can, always.
But I wonder at connection, sometimes. When is the last time you really let someone in? What did that add to your life?
I see people who are too afraid to take risks, and my heart aches for them. I have carried a fractured heart, before. Many times. But if I let fear or potential agony stop me, what then? What about you? What holds you back? What sets you free?
Is there someone in your life who is simply there for you, no questions asked? Have you told them you appreciate them, lately?
We need to hear these things. We need to say them. It’s so easy to get lost in the madness, the difficult bits of life. It’s so easy to feel alone, when we aren’t.
The smallest gesture or word can settle an uneasy heart. And the act of truly listening is a gift. Remember this.
Bits and Bobs
Celeste Pewter, who is a good human and has been immeasurably helpful navigating all the political everything for years, could use a little help with medical bills. Kick in here: https://ko-fi.com/A080J8G.
My friend Brandy has a book coming out (https://www.tumblr.com/brandyschillace/764498204687466496/amazoncom?source=share) about the “history of hormones, of #LGBTQ+ and #transrights and the fight of science against Nazi propaganda in the shadow of the Third Reich!”
My friend Gil also has a cool podcast, and you can listen to the latest episode here: https://chimeraobscura.com/vm/episode-609-doug-brod.
Have you checked your voter registration? If not, go here: https://www.vote.org/am-i-registered-to-vote/.
Have you bought a ferryman’s coin yet? Support The Deadlands and get something cool! https://psychopomp.com/fundraiser-2024/
Rivals on Hulu is a delight: https://press.hulu.com/shows/rivals/. Sex, intrigue, hot people — nearly everyone is mildly terrible. And I love it. I did not read the novel(s) its based on, so I went into it without any background.
If you have an extra $340 lying around, I love this dress in red. Size four. https://www.thereformation.com/products/stasia-silk-dress/1316302SNG.html?dwvar_1316302SNG_color=SNG&native-search-page=true
Until next time, darlings,