U.S. Frens
Hey, so, this is important.
The New York Times (gift link) has reported that FBI officials have been ordered to resign or be fired by Monday, Feb. 3.
To be blunt, this is bad.
With that in mind, please call your electeds. Only your own. Yes, calling is better. But emailing/faxing will do in a pinch.
Don’t like talking to a person? Call after hours. Try the DC offices first, then the local ones, if the DC mailbox is full.
Don’t know who your elected are? Call the Capital Switchboard: 202 224 3121. Look up your Reps here: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
And look up your Senators here: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm
Need a script? Here’s a very short one:
"Hi I'm [Full Name] from [Zip Code]. I'm calling because I am alarmed by the President's directive for FBI officials to resign, quit, or be fired.
This will damage the safety/security of the US. Please speak up/take action."
I know the everything is a lot. But this is important. Your voice matters. Pushback matters. Yes, even if your electeds are rigid. They will move. Plant yourself like a tree.
I’m honestly beginning to think that I should sell the house and move to Denmark…or anywhere that’s not here.