Pasta Sauce? Pasta Sauce.
So, I posted a version of this on The Bad Place ages ago.
Alright, kittens, who wants to learn how to pasta make sauce? I make this by the blender full, so you can make as much or as little as you need. First, crush up a bunch of garlic cloves. Garlic is your friend. Throw it in a pot with olive oil. Set that to simmer. (If you don’t have fresh garlic, granulated will do. I never buy powdered garlic anymore, because that’s how you end with a garlic dust cloud. Haha)

Per blender full, it is one and a half 28oz Tuttorusso can. You want to add a generous amount of dried parsley, slightly less basil, and only two shakes oregano. Oregano is bitter. You don’t want bitter sauce. 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese or pecorino Romano. Blend!
Now, kick the pot up to medium and pour in the blended tomatoes etc. Let it come to a boil. Once it is good and warm, throw ground beef or turkey in! (Note: If you just want veggie, add sliced onions to the oil in the beginning. It’ll help give it a nice flavor.) Cook it at that temp for a few minutes, then lower the temp to just below boiling. I usually cover with a screen to protect from splatters. Cook it for at least a couple hours, stirring as needed.
I usually cook mine for around four hours, when it’s a Sunday sauce. Your mileage may vary. But you can freeze it, make as little or as much as you want.
I’ll do a recipe for a 20-minute bastardize puttanesca another day.