How We Are Surviving This--Again
One breath at a time— one small joy gathered with the others, a bulwark against the dark, a reminder that starlight comes in many forms, but it will always lead us home, lead us to each other, hand in hand— that is the marrow of everything. For now, it is enough to breath, to love, to make dinner and watch the sunset, to lean into joy with everything swirling in your ticking heart. If you are weary, let your body become root, know that there is always sun, that someone out there needs you, loves you, would cross the distance to get to you without blinking— let yourself need without hesitation, now is not the time for holding back— hold fast to the hand that reaches for yours. There is darkness, yes, but it is not new, this dragon we know how to fight, and we know how to win, sword and shield, flame and fang, both battle and protection, comfort calling from all corners, a knowing look from heart to heart— darling, we are in this together, and no matter the monster, the dawn comes back, the night retreats, the ghost returns to the grave— until then, love, fiercely, furiously, let the depths of your heart unfurl like an ocean, bright as a lit candle, sweet as honey and hope-sung, do not let the thieves steal joy— laugh and dance and kiss— let love sing itself electric, a lighthouse brilliant with its own magick, a spell cast softly, between our bodies and the dark. ---------------------------------- Darlings, let's take care of each other. Remember, you are not alone. XOXO
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