Alpine.js Weekly
Alpine.js in the State of JavaScript Survey
December 11, 2020
@Alpine_JS is in this year’s State of JavaScript survey, how cool is that! — Thomas T. (@ttoledo_js) December 9, 2020 This email...
Enjoying the Alpine.js Sprinkles ✨
December 4, 2020
I’ve liked the combo of @rails + @Alpine_JS so far. Feels good not having to rip out the entire rails front end just to get little more ✨ in the UI/UX. —...
Alpine.js Devtools Holiday Makeover
November 27, 2020
Alpine.js devtools versions 0.0.4-0.0.7 have been released within the last week. They includes fixes to the key issues of the devtools: handling page refresh...
Alpine.js CodePen templates
November 20, 2020
Vanilla Alpine.js codepen template that I made for myself — Hugo (@hugo__df) November 17, 2020 This email is...
Spruce Docs launch edition
November 13, 2020
Decided to tidy up the Spruce docs and create a dedicated website, no more README file mess. If you fancy reviewing, I’d love to get some feedback <3...
That "no build step" Alpine.js feel
November 6, 2020
Everyone remember their first time loading Alpine.js? First experience pulling @alpine_js into a project tonight. Felt good not to pull in a gigantic bundle...
How key is Alpine.js to the future of the web?
October 30, 2020
Request for product? Or is the Laravel TALL preset “good enough”? Anyone ever created a product configurator with the TALL stack? Or just LiveWire+alpinejs?...
Alpine.js completions for PHPStorm & adding "Alpine Developer" to your bio
October 23, 2020
Just replaced Vue.js with @LaravelLivewire / Alpine.js in my Twitter bio 😎 — Jason Beggs (@jasonlbeggs) October 22, 2020 This email is supported by my GitHub...
Alpine.js for sorcerers
October 17, 2020
I’m experimenting with @Alpine_JS and @tailwindui and now I feel like a sorcerer. — Mark Praschan (@MarkPraschan) October 13, 2020...
Is Alpine.js still a secret to the JS community?
October 9, 2020
This week's public service announcement that friends don't let friends not know about Alpine.js. To illustrate this point, here are a couple of reactions to...
Using Alpine.js & data attributes to pass data from x-for scope
October 2, 2020
Wondering how to pass data from x-for to a nested components using Alpine.js? Stick them into the top-level element inside your x-for using x-bind:data-your-...
Run Alpine.js on the server? Going beyond the JS sprinkles
September 25, 2020
I’ve been working on a package that allows you to take in Alpine.js components and returns some HTML. You can try it at
Do tools like Alpine.js & Tailwind make writing HTML fun?
September 18, 2020
If you told me 5 years ago that my favourite part of coding today was writing HTML I'd call you crazy. But, MY WORD, coding in Blade with Alpine and Tailwind...
v2.7.0 - a small but might Alpine.js release
September 11, 2020
Tips Tip for bigger Alpine.js components, “x-if” allows you to not evaluate them at all. 🔥 Running into an issue with too many @Alpine_JS components on the...
Why Alpine.js plays nice with server-rendering
September 4, 2020
In a surprising twist @Alpine_JS appears to work with Twig templates out of the box, I’m sure there may be a few edge case issues to tackle but overall I’m...
Is Alpine the best way to add JS to your site?
August 28, 2020
Building stuff with @Alpine_JS is so much fun. Add the 15kb library to your site and you can pretty much build any ui-component without dependencies. Here’s...
Use "await" inside of Alpine.js event handlers
August 21, 2020
Last week, Alpine.js 2.6.0 landed with a couple of bug fixes and support for "await" inside of event handlers 🔥just landed in Alpine.js 2.6.0 Use "await"...
An ode to Alpine.js
August 14, 2020
A short issue today but let’s start it off with some Alpine love: .@Alpine_JS is seriously underrated — Shritesh Bhattarai (@shritesh) August 13, 2020 When...
Detecting key combos in Alpine
August 7, 2020
It’s an Alpine.js kind of summer, tons of new projects are using it. Apparently, even Caleb (creator of Alpine.js) Googles how to listen for key...
Alpine.js translation & inline scripts pre-processing
July 31, 2020
We’ve got a couple of great ideas about tools & projects we might need in the Alpine.js community. How would a translation package for Alpine.js look? Is...
v2.5.0 and the ultimate Tailwind + Alpine.js site rebuild challenge
July 24, 2020
The Tailwind Wayback project is a great stress test of the capabilities of Alpine.js and TailwindCSS. Do you wonder what old websites would look like with...
How jQuery -> Alpine reduced lines of code by 82%
July 17, 2020
For anyone still not sold on Alpine? How about no context switching and no waiting for rebuilds? First time using @Alpine_JS in a real-world context. I can't...
400k+ Alpine.js CDN hits/month but what version do you run?
July 10, 2020
Alpine.js got 400k+ JSDeliver CDN hits last month but I would be interested if everyone could fill out the Alpine.js version poll since it seems there's a...
Alpine.js + TailwindCSS Demo Edition
July 3, 2020
.@tailwindcss was a big game changer for me the last year or two, but @Alpine_JS is quickly becoming another game changer. It makes simple, pesky stuff so...
What does open source sustainability look like?
June 26, 2020
Congratulations to Caleb (@calebporzio for reaching $100k a year in GitHub sponsors contributions. Quite a topical tweet by @getJReviews, thanks for his...
Alpine.js 2.4.0 with x-spread support
June 19, 2020
Go check out Caleb at JSNation Live demo-ing Alpine.js I'll be giving a talk on @Alpine_JS today at @thejsnation at 11:40 AM EST It'll be a quick 20 minutes....
All-in on JS/CSS/everything in markup?
June 12, 2020
If you had told me six years ago that I would one day write HTML that looked liked this, I would have called you a lying dog-faced pony soldier. I would...
Always bet on Alpine.js
June 5, 2020
There’s been a flurry of activity recently on the Alpine.js GitHub repo, it seems like we’re getting closer to getting “x-bind object of directives” syntax,...
Bye jQuery, Hello Alpine?
May 29, 2020
Is the following exchange with @horse_js a sign of things to come? jquery was good — Horse JS (@horse_js) May 28, 2020 Until @Alpine_JS Came. — Nishant Singh...
Glowing community endorsements of Alpine.js
May 22, 2020
Expect a new influx of Alpine.js adopters after Evan You (creator of Vue.js) praised it earlier this week, which took the Alpine.js repo over 8k stars and...
How fast can _you_ learn Alpine.js?
May 15, 2020
A few courses have been cropping up, the latest of which is Sprinkle declarative, reactive behaviour on your HTML with Alpine JS on by @simonswiss...
Alpine.js developer are you more BALL, TALL or SHAT?
May 8, 2020
We can safely say that developers enjoy being able to put Alpine.js into “stack” acronyms. What’s more, it showcases Alpine.js’s flexibility, since it’s...
Tips for Alpine.js Productivity
May 1, 2020
If you still haven't installed them, the latest version of the community devtools is available on Chrome and for Firefox. Not too many demos this week: Count...
Tales of Alpine.js adoption
April 24, 2020
Alpine.js was one of’s picks of the week. Tales of Alpine.js adoption: @baselinehq is made with Alpine.js as per @nonken by...
Alpine.js Devtools Launched
April 17, 2020
You can now get the Alpine.js Devtools, (repo is Te7a-Houdini/alpinejs-devtools), you can get it as a Chrome Extension or Firefox Add-on. Big thanks to...
Take advantage of new Alpine.js community tools
April 10, 2020
Awesome Alpine now has a podcasts section. We've now got an Alpine.js Discord thanks to Piotr for setting it up As part of Alpine.js Weekly, I've launched a...
Find out how Alpine.js is built
April 3, 2020
The series “Building Alpine.js” by Caleb Porzio (creator of Alpine.js) is out, first two episodes: Episode 1 - It All Starts With The Data and Episode 2 -...
What do people (want to) use Alpine.js for?
March 27, 2020
Interesting issue: Is there any router for alpinejs?. First off, I think a router is beyond the scope of what Alpine.js is designed to provide, but what does...
A lot of new Tailwind-Alpine.js examples
March 20, 2020
With Alpine.js embracing the same philosophy as TailwindCSS it's time to come up with some new stack names, eg. Reactive Laravel apps with the TALL stack by...
Nested x-for and style bindings coming to Alpine.js?
March 13, 2020
Nested x-for loops and style bindings might be coming to Alpine.js courtesy of SimoTod and yours truly. For those who aren't aware or have some spare IE11...
Welcome to Alpine.js Weekly
March 10, 2020
Welcome to the first Alpine.js Weekly edition. You can expect it in your inbox every Friday. This week Alpine.js crossed 5000 GitHub stars. Tailwind UI...