Nested x-for and style bindings coming to Alpine.js?
Nested x-for loops and style bindings might be coming to Alpine.js courtesy of SimoTod and yours truly.
For those who aren't aware or have some spare IE11 debugging time, there's a pretty active issue with 2.1.x IE11 not working due to some build process issue but also way the Proxy library Alpine.js uses observable-membrane
works (using a non-standard "trap").
Apparently Alpine.js isn't big enough to get a nice discover page, see the Alpine.js GitHub Explore Page so remember to add the alpinejs
topic to your plugins or project repositories if you're using it.
As mentioned last week Tailwind UI examples use Alpine.js, Adam Wathan discusses how that came to be at the end of the latest episode of Full Stack Radio.
Alpine.js has been added to JSFiddle and could be in the pipeline for CodePen and made it onto's weekly pick list
Articles & Tutorials
Alpine.js + Laravel is a match made in heaven as Chris Morrell wrote.
What is Alpine.js and why should I care? for your colleagues and friends who don't get it yet
Code & tools
An oversight from last week, the Alpine.js README has been translated to Japanese.
No releases this week but with the quality Pull Requests that are warm for Caleb to review, I think that'll be the exception rather than the rule.