Alpine.js Weekly #76
Made with Alpine.js
If you've got something to share with the Alpine.js community, you can submit your link or reach out to me on twitter @hugo__df.
Here are this week's Alpine.js adopters:
- is built with Alpine.js
- by @realCodeCraft is built with Alpine.js
- is built with Ruby on Rails, Tailwind, Alpine.js, Postgres, hosted on Heroku by @ThubaMamba___
- a platform for stock-market investors is powered by the PETAL stack (Phoenix Elixir Tailwind Alpine.js LiveView) by @nblanco_fr
- Cookies alert Tailwindcss & Alpine JS by tonybastienricher on @TwComponents
- Lazy loading a video using Alpine.js, x-intersect & x-ref directive by @diaz_guntur
- Shoelace + Alpine by @richeklein
- Alpine.js x-intersect for a subtle fade in of blog post images by @Joey_Farruggio
- Persisted tabs with Alpine and the persist plugin by @Josuapsianturi
This newsletter supported by my GitHub Sponsors.
Articles & Tutorials
Laravel HTTP Client + Alpine.js: External Weather API Demo by @PovilasKorop
Building a Laravel Blade Table Component With Alpine.js by @mithicher on @thedevdojo
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