Alpine.js 2.4.0 with x-spread support
Go check out Caleb at JSNation Live demo-ing Alpine.js
I'll be giving a talk on @Alpine_JS today at @thejsnation at 11:40 AM EST
It'll be a quick 20 minutes. If you care you can watch it on YouTube Live:
(It's free)
— Caleb Porzio (@calebporzio) June 19, 2020
This email is supported by Codecourse. Practical screencasts for developers (including Alpine.js!).
Finally figured it out. @LaravelLivewire + @Alpine_JS + @vuejs happy together. 🥰
Just load dependencies in this order 💪
— Andrés Santibáñez (@asantibanez) June 16, 2020
Made with Alpine.js & Demos
- by @baravelidev
- Show / Hide Password by @mr_alaraj
- by @gabolecointere is now built with by Alpine.js
- Toggle on mouse enter/leave using Tailwind and Alpine by @CuanJan
- Alpine.js + Spruce URL Query Params by @chapmanjacobd
- "As you type" search by @alexjgarrett
- by @SteveALee is built with Alpine.js & Eleventy
- Navbar with animation by @Alfianokt
- A credit card input for Stripe by @afelixdorn
- AlpineJS modal with data from JSONPlaceholder by @jonwelshdesigns
- Fetch and seed a select component with Alpine.js by @Tiago_Ferat
- A countdown timer with Blade UI kit (powered by Alpine.js) by @driesvints
- Buttons with loading feedback in Alpine.js and Tailwind by @userlastname
- Toast Notifications - Alpine JS by Kevin Batdorf
- Slider protoype by Kevin Batdorf
Articles & Tutorials
[Video] Realtime Private Messages with Laravel Livewire (Paid) by @teamcodecourse
Adding Quill Editor to a Livewire-Alpine.js App by @eduarguzher
Tutorial: Responsive Navigation with AlpineJS and TailwindCS by @WillRodRican
Tailwindcss dropdown with the use of Alpine.js by @Larapeakdev
[Video] Alpine.js Essentials - Laracasts by @jeffrey_way
For more posts like these, you can join the Alpine.js Handbook Knowledge Base (Paid), it's a great way to support the newsletter and get early access to Alpine.js content.
Code & Tools
ridgecss - A maximalist css framework for making web apps fast by @swlkr
A big release this week.
directive (Allows you to bind an element to an object of Alpine directives and they will be "applied" (similar to x-bind="{}" in Vue)), see the x-spread docs- if one Alpine component on a page breaks, the others still work
- access to
from anx-data
expression - support for animations in
directives x-model.number
is now supported for checkbox arrays
now waits until a transition is completely started (an extra tick) until being called- attributes are only set when needed in Alpine, (this was causing issues like pausing audio elements)
- when transitions are toggled quickly, overlapping transitions are supported (the previous transition is finished first before the next one is applied)
- allow nested components to be moved around the DOM and not be re-initialized
- Checkboxes were being checked by default if a value binding was present
- Expressions that use a "result" variable were running into a conflict with Alpine's built-in result variable