Falling Eggs, Flying Rats
Hey folks! Last time, I showed off some of my recent prototypes and asked for feedback. The response was overwhelmingly in favor of codename Hakblok. People love those little demons! I will see if I can get the Pico-8 version in a state where I’m happy sharing it and then I’ll be looking for a lot more feedback when I take it to another engine for the real deal.

Tokyo Game Show
Once again, I subjected myself to Tokyo Game Show. There were a LOT of games. Personal favorites include Fowl Damage, the game where you play as a literal egg with an incredible jump that will kill you. I also had to pull several friends over to play Esophaguys, which I don’t think I can properly describe. It’s weird.
Anyway, look at this cool shirt I got from one of the merch booths. The big MD logo glows in the dark!

Propeller Rat
My friend SquidGod, who you may remember made Core Fault with me, has a new game out on Playdate called Propeller Rat! He has a great making-of video out on youtube, featuring yours truly since I helped with playtesting.
UFO 50
Is anybody else playing UFO 50 because I am currently obsessed. It’s doing something I think is very brave in the current games landscape in that it trusts you will have fun figuring out how to play each game. Not everybody loves the struggle, but for sickos like me, it’s such a joy to be trying out button combinations and realize, “Oh, you can double jump in this game! Wait, I died and came back as a ghost??? What’s going on and how can I use this to my advantage?” It’s so much more interesting to me than having a tutorial steal that sense of discovery. Also, Mooncat alone has me filling notebook pages with weird maps to crack its secrets.

Mixolumia Color Palette Randomizer
I cracked open Mixolumia for the first time in a while because I had the idea for a color palette randomizer function. Check it out!
This is a work-in-progress, but I think it’s pretty successful at creating usable, interesting palettes. The challenge was designing it to pick colors that have good contrast but are still pretty. I could do a write-up on the technical aspects of this if you’re interested.
Reply to this email and let me know what you think! Or even if you just want to talk Mooncat.