Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer is rediscovering all your prehistoric fish
You know what everyone thought was extinct! The coelacanth! You know what isn't! That!
The coelacanth (see-luh-kanth) is a big fish everyone thought died out 65 million years ago, i.e. during the dinosaurs. Then in 1938, a weird fish was caught by some men off the coast of South Africa. Marjorie Courtnay-Latimer was working at a museum and had asked fishermen to tell her about weird catches, so they did.
She brought this large fish back to the museum in a taxi (amazing), tried to have it identified, but they told her it was this other very boring and average fish and oh well guess your amazing discovery will lie in some other fish. BUT SHE STAYED FIRM THAT IT WAS WEIRD. She held out for a professor friend who visited in 1939 (she'd had the coelacanth stuffed) and he said "!!! that is a coelacanth."
Another one wasn't caught for 14 years, which is a much shorter window than 65 million years ago to 1938, so great job, people, and Won't Be Mansplained That It's a Regular Fish Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer went on to work as the director of the East London Museum, lived on a farm in Tsitsikamma, and took a course in brick-laying because who wouldn't do that.