Lek Chailert is saving elephants
I'm in France this week, so last week I of course googled "woman elephant" and immediately found an amazing woman from Thailand who is saving elephants.
Lek Chailert is the founder of Elephant Nature Park, which is now home to over 80 elephants. Chailert's main goals? Save abused elephants, stop people from riding them, and tell everyone why they are great.
The park is also home to hundreds of rescued cats and dogs and buffalo, because Chailert is a damn hero.
For a great interview with Lek Chailert, along with so many photos of elephants, here is literally my only source on her amazing work: The Women Saving Thailand's Elephants.
I want to tell people that if they want to travel to Asia, there are so many ways to enjoy elephants without riding them. They can walk with them, observe and see them in their natural habitat, and support the camps who pledge not to abuse the animals. There are still thousands who offer elephant riding, but if you could support the 10 percent of camps that commit to humane practices, we can encourages others to make that change.