Alex Segura's Newsletter
Stuff & Nonsense 056: My Foolish Heart
April 11, 2018
Hello! It's a two-for-one week here at Stuff & Nonsense HQ, as we have William Boyle - one of my favorite crime writers working today, and someone I chatted...
Stuff & Nonsense 055: 'Round Midnight
March 28, 2018
Hey, we're back! It's been an eventful few days, and as some of you saw via fellow Polis Books author Rob Hart's various social media postings, we were at...
Stuff & Nonsense 054: Laminated Cat
March 12, 2018
Is this really the first newsletter of the year for me? Time has moved quickly of late. Writing a book does that to you. Now, I'm in that weird pre-pub state...
Stuff & Nonsense 053: Holiday Road
December 10, 2017
I get a lot of galleys. This is nice, obviously. I like books. Especially early, special books. Keep sending them, world. While putting together my best-of...
Stuff & Nonsense 052: Don't Make Me a Target
December 4, 2017
The past few months have involves some travel (Miami Book Fair!), revisions on the next Pete Fernandez novel (Blackout, which hits May 8 from Polis Books),...
Cover Reveal: BLACKOUT, the new Pete Fernandez Miami Mystery!
October 9, 2017
Hi there! Everyone likes pretty pictures, so I figured I'd share an especially nice one—the cover to BLACKOUT, the new Pete Fernandez Mystery, hitting May...
Stuff & Nonsense 051: I Left My Wallet in El Segundo
August 7, 2017
This newsletter is packed. Packed, I tell you! So, I'll keep the intro light. This week's installment features an interview with Meg Gardiner, the author of...
Stuff & Nonsense 050: Grow Old With Me
July 13, 2017
Huh. Kind of crazy to think this is the 50th edition of the Stuff & Nonsense newsletter. It was started a few years go on a whim - inspired mainly by Sarah...
Stuf & Nonsense 049: Dry
July 4, 2017
Hi! There's lots of good stuff to share this week, so I'll keep my pre-game show to a minimum. This edition features an interview with the wonderful Alissa...
Stuff & Nonsense 048: Black Star
June 15, 2017
Hello! It's been an interesting week - which sounds cheerful, but considering the political landscape, I'd be OK with "typical" or almost "boring" for a...
Stuff & Nonsense 047: Shake It Off
June 8, 2017
Hello! I know, I know...I've been away for a spell. It's been busy - book launch, tour, comics, short stories, work, life, etc. I'll save the "granular"...
DEAL ALERT: Silent City is available for 99 cents (for a very limited time)
May 20, 2017
Hi there! I won't make a habit of this, but there's a particularly good deal available for those interested in diving into my Pete Fernandez Miami Mystery...
Stuff & Nonsense 046: Wildest Dreams
April 24, 2017
Thank you. For what, you ask? Well, Dangerous Ends launched earlier this month and I couldn't have asked for a better, more exciting response to the book....
Stuff & Nonsense #45: Beginning to See the Light (DANGEROUS ENDS is out tomorrow!)
April 9, 2017
Hi there. Hope you're doing great. "ICYMI," Dangerous Ends, my third Pete Fernandez Miami Mystery hits tomorrow from Polis Books. What's it about? Glad you...
Stuff & Nonsense 044: The Obvious Child
January 23, 2017
Glitches happen. For whatever reason, the newsletter I thought was out in the wild a few weeks back was waiting for me in my Drafts folder when I logged in...
Stuff & Nonsense 043: Loco de Amor
January 3, 2017
Happy New Year! 2016 was quite the sucker punch of a year for many, especially on the political front. I share those concerns but can't really slag off on...
Stuff & Nonsense 042: Ride My Llama
November 10, 2016
Oh boy. What a week. How're you doing? While I've been spilling out my thoughts almost daily on social media, I'm feeling pretty spent as of this writing....
Stuff & Nonsense 041: Begin the Begin
October 2, 2016
Oh, hi there. It's been a spell. I'll spare you the excuses for my newsletter absence - mostly because I hate meta-blogging and partially because my excuses...
Stuff & Nonsense 040: Muzzle of Bees
June 23, 2016
I know, I know. It's been a spell. What's new? Dangerous Ends revisions, finishing Archie Meets Ramones script, shuffling and trimming my freelance work plus...
Stuff & Nonsense 039: When the People Find Out
May 18, 2016
Hi! Thanks for stopping by. This'll be a fun one. *** I love it when an author surprises me. I don't mean that in a "wow, great plot twist" way. Though,...
Stuff & Nonsense 038: Home
May 2, 2016
Hello! It's late. I know. I write this to you as I prep for a quick mini-tour back to South Florida for two Down the Darkest Street events: A Miami launch...
Stuff & Nonsense 037: No One's More Happy Than You (**DOWN THE DARKEST STREET is out today!**)
April 11, 2016
This week's newsletter will be a short one, sans interview - mainly because I have a book out today! Down the Darkest Street, the second Pete Fernandez Miami...
Stuff & Nonsense 036: Let's Save Tony Orlando's House
March 31, 2016
Welcome back! We've got a fun interview this week, but before we can get to that, let me share a few quick book promo things (Down the Darkest Street hits...
Stuff & Nonsense 035: Nightclub Jitters
March 23, 2016
Hey, welcome back. A little self-promo before we get to the interview: So, the response to the Silent City reissue was great (grab your copy if you haven't),...
Stuff & Nonsense 034: Weather with You (or, SILENT CITY is out today!)
March 14, 2016
I know, I know. It's been a while since I did one of these. But quality over quantity, right? Oh, and we just had a kid. But here we are! If you're new,...
Stuff & Nonsense 033: Waiting for the Great Leap Forward
February 3, 2016
Oh, hi. Just last week I was going on about how this newsletter would go out every other week. Best laid plans, etc. That said, this'll be a quick one: fun...
Stuff & Nonsense 032: Stay Up Late
January 29, 2016
Hello! Welcome back. This newsletter seems to have settled into a nice, every-other-week routine. Cool? If you guys are happy with that, so am I. We have a...
Stuff & Nonsense 031: Always Crashing in the Same Car
January 15, 2016
It's been a rough week. That said, this is the first newsletter of 2016 - so happy new year! Thanks for subscribing during the holiday break if you're new....
Stuff & Nonsense 030: One Beat
December 17, 2015
Well, this was a great way to close the day yesterday. A stellar blurb for Down the Darkest Street from one of my favorite writers, Chris Holm: "Alex...
Stuff & Nonsense 029: Blue in Green
December 10, 2015
This is going to be a quick one. I'm knee-deep in my LitReactor comic book pitching class plus a million other things in addition to work. All...
Stuff & Nonsense 028: New Madrid
December 3, 2015
This week's chat is with writer Steve Weddle - who some of you may know from his excellent "novel-in-stories" Country Hardball, which The New York Times...
Stuff & Nonsense 027: The Beast and Dragon, Adored
November 12, 2015
This week's interview was fun for me on multiple levels. I got to speak with author and friend Scott Adlerberg, who's written a number of great novels -...
Stuff & Nonsense 026: Buttefly
November 5, 2015
This week's chat is with crime novelist and comic book writer Christopher Irvin, who is not only a talented guy, but extremely kind and supportive of other...
Stuff & Nonsense 025: Future Crimes
October 29, 2015
Happy Friday! Okay, so I try to keep this space light on the promo - or balanced, in terms of promo vs. other stuff. But I'm going to veer off that path for...
Stuff & Nonsense 024: Like the Weather
October 21, 2015
What a difference the flu makes... WARNING: This newsletter is a bit more rushed and harried than usual, so thanks in advance for your patience in terms of...
Stuff & Nonsense 023: I Wish I Was The Moon
October 1, 2015
Hello. I am very tired. I try not to get political in this newsletter, but these are the three links that sum up how I feel about yesterday's tragic events....
Stuff & Nonsense 022: Sheela-Na-Gig
September 22, 2015
Hello! I'm early! I'll be upfront - this week's newsletter will be a bit...quick and breezy? I have family and friends in town and that's eating into most of...
Stuff & Nonsense 021: Meet Me in the Alleyway
September 17, 2015
Welcome back! This week's been a bit of a blur - work, life, writing work/life has all been buzzing lately. All of it good, though I can't discuss...
Stuff & Nonsense 020: Emotional Rescue
September 10, 2015
I'm kicking this week off with a correction: I screwed up the title of Lori Rader-Day's second novel, Little Pretty Things on first mention last week....
Stuff & Nonsense 019: Buckets of Rain
September 3, 2015
Hello! It's nice to be back, somewhat rested from vacation and ready for a very busy Sept-Oct...oh, who am I kidding? It's gonna be busy for a while now....
Stuff & Nonsense 018: Deep Dark Truthful Mirror
August 20, 2015
Oh, hi. Thanks for coming by. It's been an eventful (well, more than usual) week. What's on tap? Some news and promo, an interview, links and more - so let's...
Stuff & Nonsense 017: Badlands
August 13, 2015
Hey! Welcome back. How is it Friday already? It's apparently author interview week in my little corner of the world: I got to speak with the great Ben H....
Stuff & Nonsense 016: The Ghost of You Lingers
August 5, 2015
What a week. Not only did finally get licensed to drive in the wilds of New York State, but this little beauty was unveiled for all to see: Yup - that's the...
Stuff & Nonsense 015: Secondary Modern
July 30, 2015
We're back into a groove! Almost. The dust seems to have settled, post-San Diego, and we've gotten as close to "normal" as one can expect. I'm hoping to have...
Stuff & Nonsense 014: Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll Radio?
July 23, 2015
Hello! It's nice to be back. What a whirlwind few weeks. First, there was San Diego Comic-Con - the mammoth pop culture marathon that looms large every...
Stuff & Nonsense 013: Go West
July 1, 2015
What a week, huh? It was a much-needed dose of good, history-making news. This story warmed my heart the most. Maybe there's hope for us after all. *** I've...
Stuff & Nonsense 012: Present Tense
June 24, 2015
These are the pieces I keep going back to after the horrible events of last week: "I honestly have nothing other than just sadness once again that we have to...
Stuff & Nonsense 011: Glass Spiders
June 16, 2015
Another week, another newsletter. It seems like we're getting into a nice little groove here, huh? There I went - jinxing it. A quick "welcome to the party"...
Stuff & Nonsense 010: Make Believe Mambo
June 8, 2015
Welcome back! Sending this out a bit early because I'll be off the grid for the rest of the week taking a much-needed vacation. Let's dive right in. I'm very...
Stuff & Nonsense 009: The One After 909
June 1, 2015
Oh, hello there! I've been remiss in updating this newsletter - April and May were extremely hectic months that included an apartment move, an office move,...
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