Last chance to preorder DICK TRACY #1

Hi friends,
I hope you're doing well! It's been busy over here, and - if I'm being honest - I'm still figuring out my newsletter cadence in this, our post-Substack iteration. So, preemptive apologies for any tech glitches as we settle in at Buttondown.
My gut tells me to save these flares for big news items vs. lengthy essays and updates. Everyone is busy! Anyway, I appreciate you reading.
The big thing I want to mention to you today is about Dick Tracy, our new ONGOING comic book series from the folks at Mad Cave Studios. Getting to co-write this book has been a long time coming, and something Micheal Moreci, Chantelle Aimée Osman, and I have been working toward for years. I'll spare you the blow-by-blow on it all, but suffice to say, we're excited to finally be on the precipice of the first issue coming out.

I won't belabor this newsletter with thoughts on how the market is tough, etc. You know that! But I truly do hope you'll take a flyer and give Dick Tracy #1 a chance. First and foremost, Michael and I wanted to write a fun, character-driven, and noir AF crime comic, which happens to star the iconic yellow detective, Dick Tracy. It honors the character's legacy, it features loads of cameos by some of Chester Gould's most iconic creations, and it serves as (hopefully) a great jumping on point for fans old and new.
The book itself hits on April 24, wherever comics are sold. But because the comic book market is a unique animal, your LAST CHANCE TO PREORDER the comic (at a comic shop) is Monday, March 24! Comic shop orders are hugely important to the success of a series, and I don't think it's a surprise to say Michael, Gerald, Mark, Jim, Chantelle, the whole Mad Cave crew, and I have a lot of Dick Tracy stories we want to tell. So, check in with your local shop - let them know you want a copy, and enjoy the launch of what will hopefully be a long and healthy run chronicling Tracy's adventures in a hardboiled but modern style.
Michael and I go on about it in detail here, in an open letter to comic shop retailers. We also chatted with CBR about the series, too!

But hey, don't take my word for it. Read for yourself:
Here's a preview of the first issue.
Here are a few reviews that might convince you.
And if you're the graphic-sharing type, feel free to post these on your socials!

If you don't have a local comic shop, you can order from Mad Cave directly!
ALSO, if you're a reviewer, retailer, creator, or pal and you want a sneak peek at the first issue, just reply to this email and let me know!

One quick thing - I've got a lot of fun Spider-y stuff cooking at Marvel. If you missed it, I wrote a Spider-Man 2099 story in Edge of Spider-Verse #1, which leads right into a sequel story in next week's Web of Spider-Man #1, which in turn leads into another short in May's Edge of Spider-Verse #4 - all illustrated by the legendary Salvador Larroca! What do all these short stories point to? Well, if you read solicit copy, you'll be able to figure it out. But mum's the word from me!
That's all for now. Take care!