Things I Have Enjoyed & Learnt 021
How can the summer holidays nearly be over?
Things I Have Enjoyed
The way this bee clears the ground of sawdust beneath them. Like a rooster tail, but for a bee and not over water.
3CAG by KNEECAP. Not so much the rest of the album, unfortunately. Still need to see the movie.
Two from McSweeney's: Trolley Problem Variations for Dads and A Brief History of Time Travel.
"It was initially offered as a costly luxury experience that only the uber-rich could afford. Billionaire CEOs jumped at the chance to meet their heroes of the past, like Steve Jobs or the first landlord."
This beautiful visualisation of US National Parks.
Obvious Travel Advice. Some of it not so obvious to me.
There’s not much point in packing light unless everyone is packing light.
What would it be like if Ian Paisley was on a podcast?
"You better not be turning our Antarctic fieldwork into a Wes Anderson film." This is better done than 99% of these.
Lonkero. The Finnish "long drink". Had it at a festival and immediately bought a case. Does need ice and the grapefruit garnish though.
High Country on iPlayer. The sort of standard Harlan Coben-y twister that the wife and I like and which you can go on your phone just a little bit whilst watching.
Big Dawgs by Hanumankind. I liked this before it was cool.
Joe Biden dropping out of the US Election.
This visualisation of how people commute in various cities.
This reel, even if it's freebooting someone else's video and the caption is written by AI. So well-executed. Send me the link to the original if you have it.
The incredible level of fanservice in Bad Boys 4. As a teenage boy in the 90s the original Bad Boys holds a special place in my heart. The movie can't quite cope without a Michael Bay-level budget, but Sanchez & Ruez getting a mention, cameos left and right and Reggie getting some serious screentime brought it home.
This well-executed ... prank? Doesn't say much for security at the British Museum though.
Lithium-Ion Batteries Have Gone Too Far. Maybe you need to be a physicist for this one?
We got duped into believing that every device we own should charge like a phone.
The European Coffee Trip app.
Poland, especially the trains. We did a tour of Wrocław, Warsaw and Kraków and they were all great.
Things I Have Learnt
Marmite doesn't really have a best before date. The vitamins it contains become less potent, but it can't really "go off". Apparently it's actually antiseptic.
John Woo is remaking The Killer and Eric Cantona is in it.
Rather than use CGI for Star Wars droids Disney is just building them for real now.
The End
I guess maybe I didn't learn much this time because it was the summer holidays? Fingers crossed for next time.