Things I Have Enjoyed & Learnt 020
A short one, but at least it's roughly on time. I'll get better.
Things I Have Enjoyed
Seeing the Northern Lights from our balcony. Did not expect to see the aurora borealis at 51°N.
Music from Saharan Cellphones [background]
Dear Child, Kleo and watching more foreign-language stuff in general, mainly to stop ourselves from second-screening all the time.
What I Eat In A Day As A Pigeon Living In London
Using my Pixel Watch as a shutter release for my phone camera. Lots more self-portraits coming soon.
Interesting 2024, even if we did end up having to leave early. Going to ask if I can do my maple syrup talk next year.
Things I Have Learnt
There's a credit card-"powered" coin-throwing machine that will throw a coin into the Trevi Fountain for you for 1€.
The End
Nearly the end of term. Thank goodness.