Things I Have Enjoyed & Learnt 005
Sorry that it’s been a while. Work has been very busy. My Year 11s and Year 13s depart on Thursday, so hopefully it won’t be such a long wait until the next one of these. Hello especially to new subscribers, I don’t know where you all came from, but welcome.
Things I Have Enjoyed
Hamburg. Fischbrötchen are amazing, and the currywurst was as good as Berlin. Using the ferry system to go sightseeing was a particular highlight. I love a port. Paying £28.60 for a week’s public transport in Hamburg, and the ticket being easy to purchase and use on my phone was also great.
The Transit Tickets Instagram account.
Being able to exclude certain playlists from my Spotify listening profile. Maybe whatever the first track on the Lofi Beats playlist isn’t won’t come top of my Spotify Wrapped this year. Hit the three vertical dots and scroll down to “Exclude from your taste profile”.
Space Elevator corrected some misconceptions.
The Shards playlist based on “every song mentioned or hinted at” in the Bret Easton Ellis novel of the same name.
The Onlytrains bot which stiches together photographs of Swiss trains.
The Crab Museum in Margate. I’m not entirely sure it isn’t an art piece, but I loved it.
The fact that it looks like Tears of the Kingdom is going to be exactly like Breath of the Wild, just more of it. Hard Drive said it best with the headline “Nintendo Fan Furious That Tears of the Kingdom Might Be a Rehash of the Greatest Game of All Time”.
Jury Duty on Freevee. I’m not sure what’s real and what isn’t, but it’s very entertaining and very well done.
The Spilled Ink playlist on Spotify.
Ray-Ban Liteforce sunglasses. All the style of Wayfarers, but without sliding down my nose.
Picard becoming Fan Service: The TV Show. The Enterprise-D! Tuvok! Chekhov!
Things I Have Learnt
Anthony Bourdain wrote a book about Typhoid Mary.
According to the film’s screenwriter Stuart Beattie, the character played by Jason Statham at the start of Collateral is Frank Martin, the lead character from the Transporter movies.
In Switzerland in order to get planning permission you have to put up Baugespann, a skeleton of the proposed development first:
The basic idea is that before you get to build anything permanent, you have to put a life size profile of the proposed building on the site, for a month. This is typically an arrangement of vertical posts and angle pieces that allows neighbours or anyone else who might be affected by the building to ‘experience’ what it might actually look like. The idea is that if you are concerned by the proposals you can then make representation to the planning authorities.
New Zealand is lagging behind in adoption of electric cars because it drives on the left and nearly all of its second-hand cars come from Japan, which does not have much of an electric vehicle industry.
The End
Hopefully not such a long wait until the next one.