Music as Noise 🙉
My cold brew obsession, recording family podcasts, and a tribute to Miguel Milà .
Long time no see! You look great today.
If you’re new here or can’t remember why you’re getting this, this is Afirmativo!, where I send updates for articles that I publish on my blog and (from now on, also) occasionally share things that have been on my mind lately.
All-Year Cold Brew
I like drinking cold coffee all year round. And, although I’m not a heavy coffee shop user, I like wandering to Hola Coffee once every few days and get one. For some reason I can’t understand, most people seem to prefer hot coffee when it’s below 30ºC, so cold brew is off the menu for most of the year and I’m forced to get an iced americano.
Last May, I turned 44, and Silvia gave me a Hario cold brew coffee maker. I’ve been using it every week since then and I can’t recommend it enough.
Recording My Parents
One morning, I had the idea the idea to record a podcast with my parents. Separately, each their own episode. A private podcast, just for me to learn and for our family to enjoy.
I remember I texted them as soon as I got up to see what they thought, and they immediately said yes. We couldn’t schedule the interviews until the end of summer, but it was worth the wait. I had so much fun coming up with questions, then sitting down with them for the interview, and finally editing both episodes.
My friend Nahúm taught me how to create an aggregate device on my Mac to live record two mics at the same time. For the script, I copied bits of some podcasts I like. I googled searched on YouTube some postproduction tricks.
So there’s an idea if you want to keep a keepsake.
This month I was also invited to another podcast, but that’s also for an upcoming email.
Music as Noise
All unsolicited music is noise.
I highlighted this quote from Miguel Milà ’s Lo Esencial.
Milà passed away a month ago, and I finally got around to read the book he wrote with Anatxu Zabalbeascoa. I immediately considered it a classic. I had visited and loved the wonderful exhibition we had in Madrid earlier this year, and reading the book only helped increase the connection I felt with his work.
That’s all for now.
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