Pride Month News ... and a Showcase!
How on earth have we already hit June of 2024? This year has flown by.
First, some exciting news: SEEDS OF INHERITANCE is part of the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off (SPFBO) for 2024! SEEDS will be read and reviewed at one of the participating blogs, Before We Go. I’ll be excitedly following along as the reviewers whittle down 300 (!!) books to ten finalists and one winner.
The SPFBO (usually pronounced “spiffbo”) community has been very welcoming, and it’s been lovely to get to know other indie authors. Several of us are doing a showcase promo for the month of June - it’s a lovely way to prop each other up and celebrate Pride Month at the same time. If you haven’t had
a chance to pick up a copy of SEEDS OF INHERITANCE, now is a great time! The ebook will be on sale for $3.99 for all of the month of June.
In other parts of the internet, you can find my interview with Kylee Kosoff of the Somebody to Pen blog, where I talk about my approach to writing, publishing, and being yourself on social media.
And finally - I’m beginning recording for the audiobook of SEEDS this weekend. I’ve done audiobook narration before, but never for myself. I’m looking forward to bringing characters to life in a new way.
That’s it from me for now - happy Pride!