November Updates
Hey all! I’m a bit later getting the newsletter out, but that’s because I had a very busy weekend I wanted to share with you all, and just hadn’t had a chance to write about it. So let’s do that now! Here are my updates for November!
New Website
Firstly, I’ve begun to redo my website! I decided to change where I host my domain, which brought the opportunity to give it a complete makeover. It’s not totally done yet, and some pages are still very bare bones, but I’m happy with the direction I’m going in. I plan to continue to chip away at it every weekend until it’s satisfactory.
48h Opera Project
This past weekend, I took part in Lucky Penny Opera’s 48h Opera Project. It’s exactly what it sounds like: you and a team of musicians and writers try to write a short opera (max 10min) in 48h, complete with a filmed video performance and recorded music accompaniment. It was a whirlwind of a weekend, but incredibly rewarding. I worked with a group of friends I’ve mostly known since undergrad, though we hadn’t gathered together as a team in so long. It was really fun to reconnect and make music together.
For this project, I wrote the libretto (words) and provided my oboe and background signing skills. Here is a preview of what we did!
There will be a virtual viewing party of all the opera projects tonight. Tickets are by donation. It would mean so much if you checked it out, if you’re available!
That’s all I’ve got for this month! I hope you all have a pleasant, festive November. Talk to you next time!